July-2008Fabrizio Furano - The Scalla suite and the Xrootd1 cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd Client Client A small 2-level cluster. Can hold Up to 64 servers
July-2008Fabrizio Furano - The Scalla suite and the Xrootd2 cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd Simple cluster Up to 64 data servers 1-2 mgr redirectors Simple cluster Up to 64 data servers 1-2 mgr redirectors cmsd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd cmsd xrootd Advanced cluster Up to 4096 (2 lvls) or 262K (3 lvls) data servers Advanced cluster Up to 4096 (2 lvls) or 262K (3 lvls) data servers Everything can have hot spares
July-2008Fabrizio Furano - The Scalla suite and the Xrootd3
July-2008Fabrizio Furano - The Scalla suite and the Xrootd4 cmsd xrootd Prague NIHAM … any other cmsd xrootd CERN cmsd xrootd ALICE global redirector (alirdr) all.role meta manager all.manager meta alirdr.cern.ch:1312root://alirdr.cern.ch/Includes CERN, GSI, and others xroot clusters Meta Managers can be geographically replicated Can have several in different places for region- aware load balancing Meta Managers can be geographically replicated Can have several in different places for region- aware load balancing cmsd xrootd GSI all.manager meta alirdr.cern.ch:1312 all.role manager
July-2008Fabrizio Furano - The Scalla suite and the Xrootd5
July-2008Fabrizio Furano - The Scalla suite and the Xrootd6
cmsd xrootd GSI July-2008Fabrizio Furano - The Scalla suite and the Xrootd7 cmsd xrootd Prague NIHAM … any other cmsd xrootd CERN cmsd xrootd ALICE global redirector all.role meta manager all.manager meta alirdr.cern.ch:1312 all.role manager Note: the security hats could require you use xrootd native proxy support But missing a file? Ask to the global metamgr Get it from any other collaborating cluster all.manager meta alirdr.cern.ch:1312 Local clients work normally
July-2008Fabrizio Furano - The Scalla suite and the Xrootd8
cmsd xrootd New SE (starting empty) July-2008Fabrizio Furano - The Scalla suite and the Xrootd9 cmsd xrootd Old CERN::ALICE::SE (full) cmsd xrootd ALICE global redirector Grid Shuttle other
July-2008Fabrizio Furano - The Scalla suite and the Xrootd10
July-2008Fabrizio Furano - The Scalla suite and the Xrootd11