1.0 INTRODUCTION Characteristics of the active electronic components that determine the internal construction and operation of electronic circuitry of a logic gate. 2
1.1 Types of logic gates NOT AND OR XOR 3
1.1 Types of logic gates (cont.) NAND NOR XOR 4
1.2 Diode as a voltage controlled switch p-n junction component Two type material: p-type & n-type Operation: forward biased & reverse biased Knee voltage: 0.7V (Si) n 0.3V (Ge) 5
1.2 Diode as a voltage controlled switch (cont.) Operation 0V – knee voltage Small current’s flow Beyond knee voltage Negative voltage Leakage current More negative voltage Zener voltage 6
1.2 Diode as a voltage controlled switch (cont.) Forward biased vs. reverse biased 7
1.2 Diode as a voltage controlled switch (cont.) Diode works as a logic ON/OFF switch 8
1.2 Diode as a voltage controlled switch (cont.) Voltage range of logic level for TTL digital IC 9
1.2 Diode as a voltage controlled switch (cont.) Simple 2-input OR gate 10
1.3 Transistor as a voltage controlled switch p-n junction component Two type: PNP & NPN 11
1.3 Transistor as a voltage controlled switch (cont.) B-E junction as switch 12
1.3 Transistor as a voltage controlled switch (cont.) Not gate 13
1.4 Diode controls switching speed Speed limitation when switching diode from ON to OFF and vice versa Minority-carrier density Reverse biased (OFF)Forward biased (ON) 14
1.5 Switching time Rise and fall time Time taken for a signal to go from LOW to HIGH and vice versa. Tr and Tf 15
1.5 Switching time (cont.) Storage time (a)Circuit (b)Input waveform (c)Diode current (d)Diode voltage (e)Minority carrier 16 (c) (d) (e)
1.5 Switching time (cont.) Propagation delay Time interval between the application of an input pulse and the occurrence of the resulting output pulse. Cumulative time delay when gates are cascaded. Limits the max freq at which a gate can operate. For propagation delay of 40ns; max freq operation is 25MHz For propagation delay of 25ns; max freq operation is ??? 17
1.5 Switching time (cont.) Propagation delay (cont.) Two types: T PLH - delay time from logic 0 to logic 1. T PHL - delay time from logic 1 to logic 0. Measured at 50% on rising and falling edges of the input and output. Total propagation delay? 18
1.6 TTL family TTL Series: 74 Series – First line of standard TTL ICs 74L Series – low-power version 74H Series - high-speed version 74S Series – Schottky TTL, reduce storage time delay 74LS Series – Low-Power Schottky TTL 74AS Series – Advanced Schottky TTL 74ALS Series – Advanced Low-Power Schottky TTL 74F Series – Fast TTL 19
1.6 TTL family (cont.) TTL NAND Gate Operation Schottky TTL 74S Low-Power Schottky TTL Advanced Schottky TTL, 74AS Series (AS-TTL) Current-Sourcing and Current-Sinking Action Totem Pole TTL Tristate (Three-state) TTL TUGASAN 1 : PETA MINDA. TARIKH AKHIR HANTAR : 12 FEB NO PLAGIARSM!!!
1.7 CMOS family CMOS NAND GATE 22
1.7 CMOS family CMOS TRANSMISSION GATE Pass signal in both direction. Useful for digitaland analog application. 23
1.8 Comparison of CMOS and TTL TTLCMOS Noise Margin0.4V (standard)1.5V (30% of V DD ) Typically 45% Power dissipation mWnW Propagation delay T PLH is 11ns – 22ns T PHL is 7ns – 15 ns ns Fan-inDepends on number of unit loads it can handle. Usually 3. Depends on number of unit loads it can handle Fan-outTypically 10Typically 50 24
1.9 Interfacing TTL and CMOS ICs Connecting the output(s) of one circuit of system to the input(s) of another circuit that has different electrical characteristics. Why? Utilize strong points of different logic families. Ex: 74AS used in parts need for highest frequency 741 used in slower parts NMOS for LSI parts of the system. Two things to consider: Voltage Current Where? – device data sheets 25
1.9 Interfacing TTL and CMOS ICs (cont.) CMOS driving TTL Input current for CMOS are low compared to output current TTL no prob. Input voltage for CMOS are higher than output voltage TTL pull-up resistor. 26