Direction and Angle Positions and directions
Objectives Add and subtract a pair of two-digit numbers Recognise positions and directions Use the eight compass directions N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE,SW. Make and measure clockwise and anticlockwise turns.
Answer these questions on your whiteboards. What is: ?
Answer these questions on your whiteboards. What is: ?
Answer these questions on your whiteboards. What is: ?
Answer these questions on your whiteboards. What is: ?
Answer these questions on your whiteboards. What is: ?
Answer these questions on your whiteboards. What is: ?
Answer these questions on your whiteboards. What is: ?
Answer these questions on your whiteboards. What is: ?
Answer these questions on your whiteboards. What is: ?
Answer these questions on your whiteboards. What is: ?
Answer these questions on your whiteboards. What is: ? How did you work this one out? Lets look at some different strategies that you used.
Now try these on your whiteboards, you have 2 minutes to work them out =45 – 26 = =87 – 63 = =58 – 39 = =66 – 52 = Did any of these cause difficulty?
Lets label the walls of the class N, S, E and W. Stand facing north Turn to face east, south and then west. Did you turn clockwise or anticlockwise? Remember that a clockwise turn is to the right like the hands of a clock.
Stand facing north again. Make a quarter turn to face south. Did you turn clockwise or anticlockwise? Remember that a quarter turn is a right-angled turn.
Stand facing north again. Make a half turn clockwise. Which direction are you facing? Turn to face west. What sort of turn did you make? Face north and turn clockwise through half a right angle. Does anyone know which direction you are facing now?
Halfway between north and east is called north-east. What is half-way between north and west? North-west What is halfway between east and south? South-east What is halfway between south and west? South-west
Turn two anti-clockwise through two-right angles. In which direction are you facing now?
N E S W NE SESW NW Who thinks that they could label this compass? Copy and complete the compass in your books.