Team Members Alex Billings (Chemical Engineering) Aaron Harmon (Material Science) Steven Whitson (Material Science)
Project Overview
1 st Part a. Object hits target b. Target moves from under gate c. Gate falls 2 nd Part a. Ball begins to roll b. Ball falls between traps c. Ball falls at end of track
3 rd Part a. Ball hits lever on trebuchet b. Energy travels through lever c. Trebuchet is released and flies forward 4 th Part a. Ball hits target b. Energy travels through rod c. Rod hits car and launches it
5 th Part a. Car rolls down hill b. First car launches screen and second car c. Screen goes forward and stops d. Car continues
Equations mgh = Energy Projectile Motion.5mv^2 = Energy Friction = F x u.5Iw^2 = Energy mv = mv (mx+mx)/(m+m) T = F x r
Construction Issues Matching trajectory between parts 2 and 3. Finding right weight for the ball Gate in part 1 would get stuck