Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Alvarado 6 th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies
About the Teacher Grew up in Murrieta E. Hale Curran Shivela Middle School Murrieta Valley High School Degree from SDSU Multiple Subject Credential & Masters in Education
Language Arts Prentice Hall Literature textbook Core Novels 1.Bridge to Terabithia 2.The Cay 3.The Boy in the Painted Cave
Social Studies McDougal Littell World History textbook Use of SS Notebook to organize notes and worksheets DBQs
Grades Based on class work, homework, projects, tests, and quizzes. Homework is assigned Monday-Thursday (with occasional projects that require more time) Electronic grade book, updated regularly…received sign-in and password from Student Services??
Daily Supplies Pencils (mechanical or regular) Correcting Pens (no blue or black!) Colored pencils Paper (college-ruled) Three-pronged folder (for Social Studies Notebook) Another 3 prong folder for Language Arts Agenda
Supplies for Home Colored pencils, crayons, or markers Glue Scissors Colored paper Any other items that make projects shine
Keep Informed Website:www2.murrieta.k12.ca.us/thompson…click on “teachers”, Click on “Alvarado, Kelly” Phone: x4521 Check your child’s agenda daily
Any Questions?