NEWSLETTER Ms. Campbell Ms. Holt Ms. Harper Spelling / Vocabulary This week’s spelling and vocabulary words are from the Prefix and Suffix Workbook. Test Friday! Equal Equate Equation Equator Equiangular Equilateral Equinox Equivalent Anchorage Public School Monday, March 4, 2013 Reading/Language/Writing Students should have finished reading “Bridge to Terabithia” over winter break. Students will begin a study guide on Monday and it is due on Friday. An AR test will be given on Friday, March 8 th and this will count as a test grade in reading. We will continue reading in our National Geographic Series with the story “Water: Blue is Gold.” Students will have centers this week. Math Today in math students were given back their Fraction Assessments. We spent class time reflecting on our performance and working on test corrections. Tuesday will be the start of our unit on decimals. We will be: identifying decimals that are equivalent to fractions, locating decimals on a number line, and comparing decimals to determine which is greater. This will be a short unit, be looking for the study guide to come home later this week! Science Monday students will take a pop quiz on Matter. It will not be for a grade, but rather will give the students an idea for how well they are grasping the concepts of matter. It should come home today with your child and should be used as a study guide. We will continue our study of matter this week by discussing mixtures vs. solutions and chemical vs. physical changes. Students will have a basic test on Friday over Chapter 11 “Properties of Matter.” The teacher made test will consist of approximately 30 multiple choice and true/false questions. Students should use their STEM journal, Science Book Chapter 11, and Monday’s Pop Quiz to help them study. Social Studies This week in social studies we will be studying how people use different ways to divide the United States into regions. We will discuss how regions of the United States can be both alike and different. Our activities will include exploring the many things that help link people in different regions. We will be learning about the Southeast region first and the 12 states and capitals that make up this region. Upcoming Dates: 1.Wednesday, March 6 th STEM Club Applications are due. 2.Thursday, March 7 th Author visit with C.C. Payne 3.March 8 th Trimester Ends 4.March 8 th APTA Auction at Owl Creek Country Club 5.March 15 th Trimester Report Sent Home 6.March 21 st Talent Show 7.March 25 th WWII Presenter Mr. Ed Harrell 8.April 1-5 Spring Break ANCHORAGE VISION The Anchorage School Learning Community Launching Life Long Learning Through... Inspiration – Exploration – Connection Just a Reminder: 1.Congratulations to our 4/5 Academic team earning 1 st Place overall in the Governor’s Cup on Saturday. 2.Book orders will go home today and are due back by Friday, March 15 th. 3.Camp Invention is coming to Anchorage this summer! Mark your calendars for the week of June 17 th. A flyer went home with your child last week. For additional information, please Mrs. Harper.