1 Solving National Problems Garbage Use of Chemical Fertilizers Vermi Composting
2 India – Garbage Problem Observation WHO tells that in India more than 20 lakh children die annually because of diseases caused by garbage/filth 77% children in India are malnourished
3 Garbage Problem Book “Gandagi ki ghranit asabhyata” First page – first three paragraphs – describe the nature and magnitude of the problem Types of garbage 1.Animal/human toilet/latrine 2.Bio-degradable waste
4 Garbage Problem Solution In the year 2000 Vermi Composting was introduced to the Shantikunj self-employment team Compost is the natural waste produced by earthworm
5 Garbage Problem Earthworm The earthworm for vermi composting is different from the regular soil earthworm 5000 types of earthworms 5 types are good for vermi-composting 1.Rain water earthworm drills up to 40 feet in the ground allows water to seep in the ground helps in water harvesting 2. Another type burrows 9 inch in the ground good for nirai/gudai of the farms (tractor like work)
6 Garbage Problem Earthworm 3. Vermi-composting earthworm - doesn’t burrow - Can eat equal to its weight in 24 hours - increases population very fast – in one year – under ideal conditions – 2 earthworms can become under normal conditions the earthworms become about 100 times in one year
7 Bio-Degradable Waste Management Solution 1 crore ton waste/day is produced in India 1 quintal earthworm Increasing by about 100 times per year In 6-7 years, can become so much in number that they can eat the entire waste of the country per day
8 Bio-Degradable Waste Management Present Scenario 1 st August started the program Today there is so much earthworm that it can eat the entire India’s waste Task is to take the earthworm to the waste Today, each and every town of India has earthworms By each of the seven lakh villages of India will have earthworms
9 Bio-Degradable Waste Management Possibility of self-employment Compost – can be sold Garbage – free available Cost – Rs. 1/kg of compost (labor, handling, collecting waste) Selling price – Rs. 2/kg Profit of Rs. 1/kg of garbage (bio-degradable) A small unit of 1000 kg waste will give a net profit of Rs. 1000/day 1.It is a Part Time work 2.Equal opportunity in villages/cities because garbage is available everywhere
10 Waste Management – Present Status Practical model available in Shantikunj, Gayatrikunj Need – waste is sorted at the household level itself garbage will vanish from cities municipality will not get any waste non-biodegradable waste is recycled bio-degradable waste is collected by workers in the city – sector-wise Bangalore – 70% recycled Noida – 10% Bhubaneshwar – 50% Gayatrikunj – 100% In Haridwar, garbage is being dumped on the banks of the Ganges river This goes in the river during rains Ganga Cleaning Drive (can be avoided – if waste management done)
11 Waste Management - Methodology 1.The bio-degradable waste/garbage is covered by a slurry of cow dung (so that the foul odor is avoided) 2.The cow dung semi-decomposes the waste in days 3.Then earthworms are left in this garbage 4.They convert the entire garbage into compost in 1 – 1.5 month Needs of earthworm (readily available in India in open grounds) 1.Bio-degradable waste 2.Proper moisture 3.Air 4.Temperature No infrastructure required – Book “kechua sandarshika”
12 Waste Management Vermi-Composting Benefits 1.A small unit set up in Rs gives a profit of about Rs to Rs per day 2.Vermi-compost is an excellent alternative for chemical fertilizer In , India used about Rs. 1 lakh crore worth of chemical fertilizers per annum Compost can replace it and save Rs. 1 lakh crore per year 3. The problem of jal-kumbhi in ponds can be solved - Nobody removes jal-kumbhi from ponds because no one pays for this cleaning - jal-kumbhi is drying the ponds - jal-kumbhi is the food for earthworm - example: A pond cleaning drive was done in Lucknow, U.P. 4. Organic Farming
13 Waste Management Vermi-Composting Benefits 4. Organic Farming - Vermi-compost can replace chemical fertilizers - Chemical Lobby questions as to how much fertilizer need can be fulfilled by the vermi-compost - They say that if chemicals are not used then there will be decrease in production of food grains The answer is: Let the ecology work normally and take care of everything - Just like we get pure air (full of O2) filled with vital life force, while we continuously release CO2 in the air - Just like the water cycles in maintained in the nature - Similarly, there is no need of chemicals in food grains
14 Waste Management Vermi-Composting Benefits 4. Organic Farming - Similarly, there is no need of chemicals in food grains We should not disturb the recycling unit of Nature Let all the solid waste by recycled