VARIAN, INC. HPLC Products Wide range of products in analytical LC High performance analytical instrumentation Choice of workstations Extensive range of columns and consumables Strongest sales and support team Excellent products and position in Preparative LC Custom prep skid systems Flexible instrumentation Solutions for Biochemists and Biologists
Widest Range of Pumps Products in HPLC Analytical Pumps ProStar 210 Low cost isocratic analytical ProStar 220 isocratic analytical ProStar 230 ternary gradient analytical ProStar 240 - quaternary gradient analytical Preparative and Semi Preparative LC pumps 210 - Low cost isocratic semi prep PrepStar 218 - Low cost isocratic semi prep PrepStar 210/218 binary and ternary gradients to semi prep PrepStar SD-1 - Prep and scale up PrepStar SD-2 – Low cost prep pump
Widest Range of Detector Products in HPLC UV-Vis detectors ProStar 325 - high performance dual wavelength analytical/prep ProStar 335 PDA detector Other Detectors ProStar 363 Fluorescence ProStar 355 RI
Widest Range of Sample Handling Products in HPLC Autosamplers 410 - High performance 420 - Flexible, high performance 430 - Well plate AutoSampler Fraction collector 701 - High performance, flexible
Widest Range of Prep Products in HPLC 500 CVM - Automated valving system 510 Column oven 530 Fluidics module RamPak column packing stations Lock and Load columns
Configured systems Polaris – Low cost educational system
Widest Range of Software Products for HPLC Galaxie – Client server multi PC, multi instrument network system Instrument Control, Data Handling, Custom reports ReSponder software – single PC, 1 instrument Simple graphical control for prep, data acquisition but no data handling
ProStar 220/230/240 Solvent Delivery Systems Ease of use No need to degas or He sparge Simple pump priming Reliability Inlet valves do not fail Older designs have been working 20+ years Performance Gradient performance at all flow rates The ProStar 240 is shown here with the door on. The door hides all of the hydraulics yet is easy to remove. The customer can either keep the door on the unit for a cleaner looking appearance or he can take the door off when he wants to work on the hydraulics or just if he wants to keep the hydraulics visible in case of leaks. The Mast which can currently be mounted on the SD-200/300 pumps, can now be mounted on all of the ProStar 200 series pumps. In this way, any injectors or other valves can be attached to the system at a minimum of cost. The new ProStar 220 is the old 9002, the new ProStar 230 is the old 9012 and the new ProStar 240 is the old 9012Q. There is still inert versions of the 9012.
ProStar 230/240 Solvent Delivery Systems Mechanical Inlet Valve Design for improved flow delivery & reliability
ProStar 210/218 Solvent Delivery Systems The is a picture of the old SD-200/300 system and the new ProStar 210/215 series. The new pump is smaller in width, longer and slightly Taller. It is the same width as the old 9012 and can stack with either of the new detector as well as the AtuoSamplers. The key pad is slightly smaller but it contains all of the keys that are on the present system. (the ~ key has been replaced with a key with the name SETUP.) An easily removable door fits over the hydraulics on the right side. When the door is one, the system looks very sleek and modern. With the door off, all of the hydraulics are easy to get at. The pressure is installed on the right side of the pump, In addition, the mixer is installed in the same bay as the pressure module on the right side of the 2nd pump when two pumps or more are used. The old SD-200 is now the ProStar 210 and the SD-300 is the ProStar 215
Different sizes for different flow rates Different materials 210/218 Pump head Different sizes for different flow rates Different materials Optional piston wash Different pressure ratings (dependent on pump type)
Max flow Min flow 5 mL 10 µL 10 mL 10 µL 25 mL 25 µL 50 mL 50 µL Pump Heads Available Max flow Min flow 5 mL 10 µL 10 mL 10 µL 25 mL 25 µL 50 mL 50 µL 100 mL 100 µL 200 mL 200 µL
Features, Benefits and Values Feature Benefit Prep and analytical Lower cost Built-in ADC Lower cost Choice of materials Biocompatible Low price isocratic Affordable
PrepStar SD-1 pump
PrepStar SD-1 Pump Design Twin pump heads Independently driven motor on each pump head Independent pressure transducer on each pump head controls flow independently No pulsation throughout the entire flow range NO PULSE DAMPENERS REQUIRED Solvent compressibility Flow accuracy + 0.010 mL/min (0.1 mL/min for 2 largest heads) Flow precision + 0.001 ml/min (0.01 ml/min for 2 largest heads)
PrepStar SD-1 Pump Benefits Choice of 5 pump heads covering range of flows 50, 200, 500, 800 and 3200 ml/min Pump heads made of either stainless steel or titanium Typical arrangement with 200 ml/min heads for best accuracy in 0.01 ml/min up to 200 ml/min range Ideal for analytical to prep scale up applications Optimize separation using inexpensive small diameter column at 1 ml/min Switch valve to divert flow to preparative column packed with identical material at 200 ml/min Low pump pulsations increases column lifetime
PrepStar SD-2
PrepStar SD-2 Features and Benefits Low cost system Performance for real prep customers Controlled by ReSponder Prep software
ProStar 325 Dual Wavelength UV-Vis Detector Outstanding performance Lowest noise of any dual wavelength detector Dual wavelength with ratio capability Widest dynamic range from 50 mAU to 70 AU Handheld computer available to monitor chromatogram in real time, create and edit methods Compatible with Galaxie and Star WS Improved system monitoring
325 Optical design
ProStar 325 Controlled Optical Imaging Unique Advantage of COI Minimize RI effects due to gradient injection solvent temperature The flow cell has 5 lenses designed to focus the light directly through the center of the flow cell at all times. An image of the monochrometer exit slit is focuese on the front and rear of the flow cell. Even when a different solvent passes through the flow cell the images only move a short distance from their original position. Because both images are in focus all of the light must pass through them. This insures that none of the light will strike the flow cell walls causing flow or gradient sensitivity.
Best noise specification Excellent sensitivity 325 Features and Benefits COI No RI response to temperature, solvent or flow Flatter baselines Better data handling results Best noise specification Excellent sensitivity
Flow cell - diagram
ProStar 335 Photodiode Array Outstanding performance Programmable slit widths 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 microns optimizes noise or resolution Excellent low noise operation < 1 x 10-5 AU Monitor all l from 190 to 950 nm Peak purity and spectral search available Available in 2 versions Analytical (single array) Prep (dual diode)
ProStar 335 PDA Optics
ProStar 335 Features and Benefits
Outstanding performance ProStar 355 RI Detector Outstanding performance Active thermostating gives flatter baselines Easy to use autozero improves analytical flexibility Auto purge for automated runs Wide dynamic range - 0.25 to 512x10-6 RIUFS Compatible with Galaxie and Star WS
ProStar 363 Fluorescence Detector
ProStar 363 Optics Diagram
ProStar 363 features and benefits Feature Benefit Reference diode Low noise Intense lamp High signal Scanning Find optimum wavelength Computer control Easy to use
ProStar 410 – Most Common – 73% ProStar AutoSamplers ProStar 410 – Most Common – 73% Most common AutoSampler sold, 2 different vial sizes, Prep injections, standalone reuse of standards ProStar 430 – Bio – 17% Well plate AutoSampler
ProStar 410 Autosampler
ProStar 430 Autosampler Automation of 96 or 384 well-plates
ProStar 510 Column Valve Module Outstanding flexibility Valving for EVERY need Simple, neat handling of analytical and semi-prep columns Full software control Solvent compatibility check Compatible with Galaxie and Star WS
PrepStar 530 – Fluidics Module
PrepStar 530 capabilities Interfaces the PrepStar SD-2 to ReSponder Solvent selection for high pressure gradients 4 A and 4 B solvents Used with 2 pumps (SD-2, SD-1, PrepStar 218) Solvent selection for low pressure gradients Use 1 pump only, only SD-2 Form stepped and linear gradients. Fraction collecting 11 fractions Unique valves for high flow rates “Blow out” feature puts all sample into collection vial
PrepStar 530 capabilities Recycle Time program detector output back into pump and column Sample injection Inject sample through pump Detector input to ReSponder software
ProStar 701 Fraction collectors
RamPak Column Packer
ReSponder – software for prep in the factory Galaxie Workstation Star Controls all mod and does full data handling ReSponder – software for prep in the factory Galaxie
Positioning the ProStar and PrepStar Widest range of products in HPLC Excellent products and position in Preparative HPLC Custom prep skid systems Choice of workstations High performance analytical instrumentation Flexible instrumentation Solutions for Biochemists and Biologists
Full line of prep products - 1 210 pump with larger heads Occasional semi prep 218 pump with larger heads 200 mL/min Routine semi prep SD-1 pump Scale-up to prep SD-2 pump Bench top prep 325 detector Dual path for extended range Super prep flow cell 335 PDA with prep flow cell Diode array prep capability
Full line of prep products - 2 701 Fraction collector Flexible, controlled by the Galaxie workstation 500 CVM with prep and diverter valves Occasional fraction collecting capability – lower flows 530 Fluidics module Low pressure gradient with SD-2 Solvent selector Fraction collector Sample injection Recycle
Full line of prep products -3 410 AutoSampler Prep injection capability Injection with 210/218 pump - AutoPrep Inject any volume Peak tracking software in Star Complete package for prep ReSponder software Simple prep software Control of the PrepStar 530 RamPak column packing stations Load and Lock columns
Custom large prep systems Up to 10 L/min Up to 16 in. diameter columns Custom designed and installed PCG ( Prep Chromatography Group) in Wakefield
Flow Cell - Dual optical path 9mm and 1 mm 4 mm and 0.15 mm super prep cell Extends linear range of the detector to greater than 10 AU Automatic switching between the two paths at high absorbance