12 feet 4 feet Top view Removable fronts 4x4 posts Slats 1x4x ¾” spaced ¾”
12 feet 4 feet Front view Removable fronts 4x4 postsSlats 1x4x ¾” spaced ¾”
4 feet Sideview 4x4 posts Slats 1x4x ¾” spaced ¾” Bottom cleat to hold bottom of door Runs full length of compost bin
12 feet 4 feet Rear view 4x4 postsSlats 1x4x ¾” spaced ¾”
Door Details – Looking Down Side 4x4 Post Door 1 x ?inside cleat for door to rest against running full length of 4 x 4 Determine the width with the door set in place Latch device of your choice located near the top of the door– I used screen door hooks Bottom cleat