1 BREI Conducted Comprehensive Independent Reviews of Passive Heat Removal Systems with Ejectors-Condensers Euratom DEEPSSI Project for the design and development of a passive steam generator emergency feedwater system for existing and future PWRs using advanced steam injectors Independent Review of the Russian Passive Heat Removal System with Ejector-Condenser (PAHRSEC) for Implementation in VVERs and Other Reactor Technologies Evaluation of PAHRSEC in combination with steam-driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps for diversity in decay heat removal in the event of an extended Station Blackout for new VVER TOI reactor design.
2 Passive Heat Removal System with Ejector-Condenser (PAHRSEC) 1.Steam Generator 4. Check Valve 2.Ejector-Condenser 5. Start-up Valve 3.Heat Exchanger 6. Start-up Tank
3 BREI Developed Numerous Low Cost Mitigation Strategies for Fukushima Events Developed numerous strategies for coping with extended loss of AC power using existing equipment, manual actions, on-site portable equipment, pre-staged off-site equipment, and off-site personnel support including: Equipment type, design, and quantity On-site equipment storage and protection from external hazards Off-site regional equipment storage Emergency preparedness and procedures/training/staffing Designed cost-effective post-Fukushima Spent Fuel Pool Level Instrumentation System with provisions for missile protection, seismicity, reliability, independence, power supply, accuracy, displays, and testing for implementation at operating plants.