L.A. To write sentence openers for the start of a story that engage the reader.
TASK: Read these story openers. Discuss which ones are exciting and which ones are dull and boring? Amy and her best friend Rachel were walking to school. “Just jump,” roared Sam. It was a bright, hot, summery day. The bomb exploded exactly at half past twelve. Most people think that ghosts do not exist. Suddenly the scream pierced the night. One day Jack was on his way to the shops. Have you ever wondered what it might be like to fall from a plane and not have your parachute open? Make a list with your partner about what you think makes them exciting?
Unexpected or strange happenings Let’s look at 4 different ways to start the story’s opening sentence. In the middle of action Contradiction Unexpected or strange happenings Asking the reader a question
TASK: Have a go at writing your own example of this type of opener. “In the middle of the action” Suddenly the scream pierced the night. I leapt to my feet. I stood totally motionless. All was silent . . . and then it came again, only this time closer to us. Then the explosion ended the life I had once held with such little regard. I felt soil and mud raining down on me and when the noise stopped and movement ceased I found that I was partly buried and could barely move myself. I dropped the container marked “Dangerous. Handle with care,” and the world seemed to slow down. I could swear that minutes passed between it leaving my fingers and crashing to the ground with such terrible consequences. I tripped and found myself rolling towards the cliff edge. I drank the contents of the bottle and then realised what a dreadful mistake I had made. TASK: Have a go at writing your own example of this type of opener.
TASK: Using opposites, write your own contradiction opening. Some days I loved Anne, but on others I hated her. I felt as cold as ice but then my skin felt as hot as fire. TASK: Using opposites, write your own contradiction opening. hot / cold love / hate young / old peaceful / scared tiny / large
“Unexpected or strange happenings” I dragged myself up the face of the clock and then sat on the second hand wondering what to do. I didn’t know that I could breathe underwater until I fell into the deep end and found myself sitting happily on the bottom! TASK: Now write a opening when you were part of a strange and unexpected happening.
“Asking the reader a question” Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they do? Is there something or someone manipulating us like we’re little toy figures? Well, let me tell how I know what really happens and why. TASK: What have you just discovered that others should hear about? Write a couple of sentences to engage the reader and make them want to read more.
Discuss with a partner about the techniques you should use to engage the reader with your opening sentences. Be ready to share your thoughts in a minute.