The Carpathian CHM: a regional contribution to the European Biodiversity CHM Part 1 Carpathian Protected Areas Clearing House Mechanism (CPA-CHM) A Web-Portal.


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Presentation transcript:

The Carpathian CHM: a regional contribution to the European Biodiversity CHM Part 1 Carpathian Protected Areas Clearing House Mechanism (CPA-CHM) A Web-Portal and a Geographical Information System (GIS) Mircea Verghelet – CNPA Steering Committee CHM meeting on Biodiversity information systems in support of policy development, June 2010, EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark

Backgound An initiative of WWF-DCP thought project "2012 Protected Areas for a Living Planet" financed by Mava Foundation. Started in January 2007 (it ends in December 2011) when the work group was established. After the meeting in May 2009 of the working group, the main categories of data were agreed. In May 2009 it was decided to build the CHM as a GIS. (the goal is to design a system with the design and feel of a classic web portal but with a GIS database and applications working in background).

Why GIS? Almost all data related to a protected area can be represented on a map (Ex: park borders, important habitats and species, threats, tourism services and infrastructures etc.) In many cases the geographic location of the data is very important when decisions are taken. Other benefits of maps: Data is presented in a different, easier to understand and more attractive form The interactive map is a tool that facilitates access to data and helps data structuring Linked with input forms the map is used for creating and editing data Exported maps can be used in presentations and reports Web-site becomes more attractive and user interactivity is increasing

Structure and functionalities CHM will host a large amount of information. This data is organized in categories and subcategories. (left column) For each category information can be accessed at three levels of detail : Carpathian level (general), Country level and Protected area level. Based on the scale the interactive map is making data accessible at each level.

User management Three main categories of users: 1. General public - main interest is getting access to information on protected areas in Carpathians (species, tourism etc.) 2. Groups of users/specialists working on specific projects and using the CPA-CHM as a client-server GIS application. 3. Top level users: decision makers at local or regional level (managers, stakeholders, local authorities etc.).

System functionalities for general public: Easy access to the data of interest Advanced search capabilities Identifying geographic referenced points Restricted access to sensitive information. (Ex: location of endangered species)

Groups of users working on specific projects examples : 1. Threats monitoring in Romania The system has the functionalities of a desktop GIS application: -Create points, lines, polygons -Upload GPS measurements tool (gpx format) -Advanced editing capabilities: snap to point, polygon auto complete, split lines and polygons -Undo – redo capabilities etc.

2. Habitats and species mapping of a Natura2000 site - Integration of high resolution aerial images - Highly configurable input data forms

Top level functionalities Reports generation Ex. Total surface of Natura2000 sites in Carpathians Printing support Cross categories analyzes Ex. Overlaying threats (planed highway) with mapped habitats Advanced spatial analyzes (buffer, intersection, union etc.)

Networking and partners DAPHNE Institute of Applied Ecology - key CHM partner on biodiversity - data communication between CHM server and Daphne server

Capability for integration of CHM maps on other websites Ex: Integration of CHM map of parks on the website of Natura2000 NGO coalition in Romania

To do Obtain missing GIS data: parks borders, N2k sites etc. Fill in the database with all available data: text, photos, other information Translations in all Carpathian countries languages Design a set of symbols for every data category to be used on web map and on printed maps Map performance optimization (using pre rendered tiles of the base map)

CHM meeting on Biodiversity Information systems in support of policy development, EEA, June 2010 The Carpathian CHM: a regional contribution to the European Biodiversity CHM Part 2 Towards the development of a Carpathian joint biodiversity information system Giacomo Luciani Interim Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention

Summary The Carpathian Convention The Biodiversity Protocol Towards the development of a Carpathian joint biodiversity information system Bioregio Carpathians project proposal

The Carpathian Convention Carpathian Convention: Framework Convention for the Sustainable Development of the Carpathians. Protocols dealing with specific sectors (forests, biodiversity,..) Signed in Kyiv in May Countries: Slovak Republic, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine COP1 (Kyiv, 2006) - CNPA COP2 (Bucharest, 2008) – adoption of the Biodiversity Protocol COP 3 (Slovak Republic, 2011)

Czech Republic Slovak Republic Poland Ukraine Romania Hungary Serbia

Interim Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention Coordination and support of the activities of the main bodies (Working Groups, Implementation Committee, Conference of the Parties) Support of the implementation of the Carpathian Convention throughout project activities (e.g. Lead Partner CADSES Carpathian Project) Coordination of activities with other international bodies

Convention on Biological Diversity Memorandum of Cooperation between the Secretariat of the CBD, the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention and the Carpathian Convention Side Event in next CBD COP 10 in Nagoya

The Biodiversity Protocol Adopted at COP 2 in Bucharest. It will soon enter into force Drafted by the Biodiversity WG within the CADSES INTERREG IIIB Carpathian Project

Objectives Main objective: Enhancement of conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biological and landscape diversity in the Carpathians Specific objective: Development of a joint information system on biological and landscape diversity in the Carpathians

Towards a Carpathian biodiversity information system Objective: Development of a decision makers support information system for nature protection on the basis of the Carpathian Protected Areas Clearing House Mechanism (CPA-CHM) and other existing available tools Next steps: Basis for the elaboration of a comprehensive information system for the Carpathians

How to build it? Bioregio Carpathians project proposal Funds: South-East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme Status: 2 nd step Budget: 2,7 Million Euro Objective: to enhance the integrated management of the Carpathians’ protected areas and natural assets in a transnational context and thereby increase the attractiveness of the region 16 Project Partners from all the Carpathian Countries represented in an integrated consortium