AGE All women are above the age of 20 but no one looks old in the video – stereotypically old age people are visually un- appealing Video shows habits that are usually associated with the younger generation e.g. eating disorders, comparing themselves.
GENDER Women are being judged by men on their appearance, this objectifies women Women are also competing and comparing themselves to each other for the attention of men, which also shows women in a negative light Beyoncé is a feminist and in her other songs she talks about empowering women, this video shows the reality females face in the current society. Although the video could be seen as over exaggerated and un-realistic.
ETHNICITY The women are of all different ethnicities so this shows its not just an individual issue but yet a whole gender issue She doesn’t show one particular ethnicity as superior to another as the majority of women in the video are shown with their own problems
SEXUALITY It shows all women and men as heterosexual and this normalises being heterosexual but it keeps homosexuality as a taboo subject By having everyone seen as heterosexual it worsens the problems homosexuals face in society such as discrimination.
SOCIAL CLASS Beyoncé is shown in a home that is quite run down and it contrast against some of the outfits that she wears. For example in some clips she is wearing very expensive looking dresses. This could show that she is putting all of her money into trying to win these pageants by buying things like surgery, but actually she is getting nothing out of it apart from lower self esteem.