Establishing Business Relations


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Presentation transcript:

Establishing Business Relations UNIT 4 Establishing Business Relations

I. Introduction

1. Importance of Establishing Trade Relations The establishment of business relations is the first step for a company to start or expand its business, because transaction can only be made after the business connections have been set up. In fact, establishing business relations is determining the trade partner. The success of the trade depends on the correct choose of the trade partner.

Questions: (1) What’s the base of developing business? — To establish business relations with prospective dealers, which is vitally important for both a new dealer and an old one. (2) By what means can a businessman secure all the necessary information about prospective trade parteners?

2. Sources of Obtaining Information about Prospective Trade Partner A company can secure the necessary information about a prospective trade partner through the following channels: (1) the introduction from its subsidiaries, branches, or agents abroad; (2) the recommendation from its business connections; (3) the advertisements or information from television, broadcasting, newspaper, magazine and the Internet;

(4) the market survey; (5) self-introduction or enquiries received from the merchants abroad; (6) the banks; (7) the Commercial Counselor’s Offices in the embassies in various countries; (8) the Chambers of Commerce both at home and abroad; (9) visit abroad by trade delegations; (10) attendance at trade fairs and exhibitions held both at home and abroad.

Questions: (3) What should the writer inform his addressee?

3. Contents of Letters about Establishing Business Relations 3.1 Letters of Establishing Business Relations The writer usually informs his addressee of the following: (1) the source of his information; (2) his intention; (3) the business scope of his firm; (4) the reference as to his firm’s financial position and integrity.

(4) What kind of mode should the writer take in business letters? Questions: (4) What kind of mode should the writer take in business letters? It should be written cordially, warmly and kindly.

3.2 Replies to Letters of Establishing Business Relations (1) Express thanks to the letter received; (2) If the writer accepts the other party’s request, provide the information to the other party required; if the writer refuses the other party’s request, express regret with courtesy, and state the reasons for refusal; (3) Express the hope of establishing business relations immediately or the desire of future cooperation.

A Letter from an Importer to an Exporter

Language Points: 1. owe sth. to sb./ sth.: (to exist or be successful) because of the help of sb./ sth. 归功于,承蒙 2. the Chamber of Commerce: A Chamber of Commerce is an organization of business people. One of its tasks is to provide business information and to find new business opportunities for its members. There is a Chamber of Commerce in almost every town or city. 商会 3. inform: tell sb. about sth., especially in an official way 知会;通知 e.g. ① We obtained your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Canadian Embassy in Beijing which has informed us that you are the largest importer of minerals in your country. ② Please inform us of your trade terms and send us your samples.

4. enter into: start upon, begin to take part in e.g. We have entered into a contract with a firm in America. enter into business/trade relations: establish business relations 5. mutual benefit: 互惠互利 6. ready: available to be used easily and immediately 现成的 7. provided (that…): used to say what must happen or be done to make it possible for sth. else to happen 如果;假如;在…条件下 e.g. We’ll buy everything you produce, provided the price is reasonable.

8. catalogue: a complete list of items, for example of things that people can look at or buy, usually in alphabetical order and often with descriptions of the articles 目录 e.g. We are enclosing a copy of our catalogue as requested in your letter of January 20. 9. website = where a company, etc. has information about itself on the Web 网站

A Letter from an Exporter to an Importer

Language Points: 1. leading: adj. (only before noun) most important or most successful 最重要的;最成功的 2. state: provided or controlled by the government of a country 国营 3.specialize in: to become an expert in a particular area of work, study or business 专门从事;专门研究 e.g. The shop specializes in hand-made chocolates. 4. embroidery: patterns that are sewn onto fabric using threads of various colors; fabric that is decorated in this way 绣花;刺绣品 Hunan embroideries 湘绣

5. enclose: to put sth. in the same envelope, parcel/package, etc 5. enclose: to put sth. in the same envelope, parcel/package, etc. as sth. else 随函(或包裹)附上 e.g. Please find enclosed a check for US$100. 6. upon receipt of…: as soon as we have received… 一俟收到…;一收到…就… e.g. We shall open L/C upon receipt of your S/C. 7. specific inquiries: In a specific inquiry, the importer points out what product(s) he wants. He may ask for a catalogue, a price list, samples, etc., or ask for an offer. 具体询盘 8. favorable reply: positive reply 肯定的答复;合意的答复

A Positive Reply to a Letter for Building Business Relationship

Language Points: 1. in the market for sth.: interested in buying sth. 有意购买;求购 e.g. We are in the market for hand-made shoes. 2. as requested: as your requested; as per your request 根据(你方)要求 3. under separate cover: by separate mail 另封;另邮 4. regarding: concerning; about 关于,至于

5. item: product or article 商品 6. assure: to tell sb. that sth. is definitely true or is definitely going to happen, especially when they have doubts about it. 使确信;向…保证 7. be certain to do sth.: that you can rely on to happen or to be true 确定;确实 e.g. They are certain to agree./ It is certain that they will agree. 8. productive: doing or achieving a lot 富有成效的;有效益的

A Negative Reply to a Letter for Building Business Relationship

Language Points: 1. currently: at the present time 现时;目前;当前 e.g. This matter is currently being discussed. 2. exclusive agent: a sole agent; it may be a firm or a person who acts exclusively for one principal with exclusive (or sole) agency rights to sell certain commodities on a commission basis in a certain area under some kind of agreement or contract. There is only one sole agent in a particular area during a particular period of time. 独家代理

3. (usually passive) ban sb. from sth./ from doing sth.: to forbid sb. to do sth., go somewhere, etc., especially officially 禁止某人做某事(或去某处等) 4. distribute: to send goods to shops/stores and businesses so that they can be sold 分销 5. on file: in a file, to be used later. 存档 6. expire: (of a document, a contract, etc.) to be no longer valid because the period of time for which it could be used has ended (文件、合同等)到期;失效;终止 e.g. When does the contract expire?

Exercises 1. Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English. (1) We are one of the main manufacturers of industrial chemicals in our country, and are interested in establishing business relations with your company (与贵公司建立业务关系). (2) On the recommendation of Changsha Trading Company (承蒙长沙贸易公司介绍) , we know your name and address.

(3) We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you (有幸自荐)with the hope that we may have opportunity to cooperate with you. (4) As requested (根据你方要求), we are sending you under separate cover our latest catalogue and price list covering our products. (5) We are looking forward to (我方期盼) hearing from you soon.

2. Read the following sentences and try to find out the mistakes and make corrections (There is one mistake in each sentence.). (1) We have obtained your name and address to Singapore Chamber of Commerce. to → from (2) We are in the market on Groundnuts. on → for (3) We are a state-operated corporation trading with both the import and export of textiles. trading with → handling

(4) We wish to enter business relations with your corporation for the supply of light industrial products. enter → enter into / enter → establish (5) We are sending you catalog by separate cover. by → under / We are sending you catalog by separate cover. cover → mail

3. Translate the following sentences. Part I Translate the following sentences into English. (1) 我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一。我方借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。 We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.

(2) 我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我方产品在许多国家享有盛誉。 We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries. (3) 承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的名称、地址。 We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of our Embassy in Beijing.

(4) 我方了解到你方是日用化学品制造商。我方有一客户想要购买贵国化妆品,如能立即航寄目前所能提供货物的目录及价格表我方将不胜感激。 We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you airmail the catalogue and price list of the goods available at present.

(5)有关我方的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。 For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.

Part II Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (1) We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one needs. 我方愿在平等互利、互通有无的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。 (2) Being specialized in the export of Chinese art and craft goods, we express our desire to trade with you in this line. 我方专门出口中国工艺品,愿与贵方开展这方面业务。

(3) In order to promote business between us, we are airmailing you samples under separate cover for your reference. 为促进双方贸易,特另封邮函寄去样品,供你方参考。 (4) If you are interested in our line of business, we would be happy to send you our company catalogue. 如果贵方对我公司的经营范围感兴趣的话,我方将非常高兴地给贵方寄去我公司的产品目录。 (5) We foresee a bright prospect for your products in your market. We look forward to hearing from you and assure you of close cooperation at all times. 我方预料你方产品在我方市场有着广阔的前景,我方保证随时给予你方密切合作,盼速复。

4. Translate the following letters into English: Dear Sirs, We have obtained your name and address from London Shoes Import Company, and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our business range and would appreciate your catalogues and price lists. If your prices are competitive, we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,

Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of April 6, 2007. We are glad to establish direct business relations with you. We have been importers of this product for many years, and we are very well connected with all the major dealers here. Therefore, we feel sure that we can sell large quantities of your products if we get your offers at competitive prices. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours faithfully,