Recognize That All Reality is in Your Head Or is it just your perception?
What do we mean “all reality is in your head?” Are we just delusional? Is there no reality?
What did you see there?
What is the difference between sensation and perception?
What do you see?
Color Vision Test People with normal color vision can perceive numbers formed by patterns of colored dots in every circle. If you do not see some of the numbers, you should have your eyes checked and consider working in a job where color discrimination is not critical. Approximately 6%-8% of people of European descent, 4%-6% of people of Asian descent, and 2%-4% of people of African descent have some type of defective color vision. Images based on Tests for Colour Blindness by Dr. Shinobu Ishihara.
An Interesting Afterimage Illusion
Film – Sensation and Perception
Frames What is a frame? Paradigm Perspective Mind Map
Defining frames Your expectations, beliefs, and pre- conceived ideas developed through learning and experience.
The Nine Dot Problem Connect the nine dots using only four straight lines and not lifting your pen off the paper....
What is functional fixedness?
Using a frame that is the most conventional and familiar to solve a problem or perceive a situation. This can involve selective perception i.e. the tendency to perceive that which we expect to see.
Objectivism vs. Constructivism Objectivism – the belief that there is separate reality independent of the observer. If you look at a chair you see what is objectively there. The task of science is to discover reality. Constructivism – There is no separate reality, the chair that exists when you look at it is somehow different than when you are not looking at it. We seek to invent reality not to discover it.
Your authors use the tree falling in the forest question to try to prove this view. What do you think?
Film – Constructing Social Reality
Are these statements true of you or false? 1. I believe my parents have been one of the most influential forces in my development. 2. Events that occurred in childhood still affect me today. 3. I sometimes experience a struggle from within such as when tempted to eat a high calorie desert. 4. Sometimes I am not aware of my own motivations and desires. 5. Sometimes when I am in an argument with someone, I feel they assume I am upset, when actually I am fine.
What are some paradigm shifts in the history of science?
The influence of past childhood experience The Unconscious The heliocentric universe Germ Theory
Reframing What is this term?
Altering your frame of reference about a situation by changing your attitude, expectations, beliefs, cognitions, perspectives, or emotions.
Some Techniques Humor Life as a Sitcom – you’re on tape, bud. Life as a Novel – the longer view The Map is Not the Territory