Equivalent Fractions One Whole 1
Equivalent Fractions Cut them in half
Equivalent Fractions Shown is one half 1 2 How many pieces we want How many pieces its cut into
Equivalent Fractions Shown is one half 1 2 NUMERATOR DENOMINATOR
Equivalent Fractions I cut my shape again I still show 1 2
Equivalent Fractions But I also show 2 4
Equivalent Fractions One half is EQUIVALENT TO 2 quarters 12 24
Equivalent Fractions 1224 This symbol looks like an equals sign with a third line. It is the mathematical sign for EQUIVALENT TO - which means is worth the same as.
Equivalent Fractions We can use equivalent fraction to make our numbers easier to handle. Smaller numbers are SIMPLE ÷ 10 ÷ 4
Equivalent Fractions This fraction is as simple as we can make it We can use different language for making the fraction as small as possible. Watch out for this language in the future. It is often used in Key Stage 3. Simplest form Lowest terms Simplified Cancelled down
Equivalent Fractions Look for numbers that both the NUMERATOR and the DENOMINATOR can be divided by. We want numbers bigger than 1. We call these COMMON FACTORS
Equivalent Fractions 1545 ÷ ÷ 10 These numbers have 3 as a common factor. This means they can both be shared by 3. A common factor here is 10
Equivalent Fractions ÷ ÷ 10
Equivalent Fractions ÷ 3 ÷ ÷ 10 ÷ 2
Equivalent Fractions ÷ 3 ÷ ÷ 10 ÷ 2
Equivalent Fractions If the top number is a 1, we know we can stop. If the top and bottom number are not DIVISIBLE by the same number, we stop.
Equivalent Fractions They have no FACTORS in common other than 1