CF Winter 2014
Corporate Finance 1 core idea rr activitiesfunders > If then
Jargon Alert! Financial Leverage “lots of debt” Capital Structure “Debt/Equity ratio”
Financial Leverage effect of financial leverage on cash flows cost of equity impact of taxes and bankruptcy on capital structure choice
Capital Structure D/E ratio How do we change it? leverage issue debt buy outstanding shares leverage issue new shares retire outstanding debt
Observed Capital Structures differ by industry D/E ratio guide for lenders shareholders firm
Capital Structure D/E ratio What happens if we change it? D/E ratio Leverage rewards punishments
Capital Structure D/E ratio Leverage volatility »EPS »ROE interest expense taxes good years stock value bad years stock value
Financial Leverage suppose $8massets 10%interest rate rational market $20share price 0.2m0.4mshares $4.0m-debt $4.0m$8.0mequity D/E=1no debt economyEBIT good$1.5m average$1.0m bad$0.5m no debt ROEEPS 18.75%$ %$ %$1.25 D/E=1 interestROEEPS $0.4m27.50%$5.50 “15.00%$3.00 “2.50%$0.50 ignore taxes (for now)
Choosing a Capital Structure goal: maximize stockholder wealth 2 methods maximize firm value or minimize WACC
Financial Leverage What is best amount? use “break-even EBIT” as reference point where EPS same for both amounts of debt if we expect EBIT > break-even point then leverage beneficial our stockholders if we expect EBIT < break-even point then leverage detrimental to stockholders
Financial Leverage no debtD/E=1 ab interest i -$0.4m # shares s 0.4m0.2m break-even EBIT:
Modigliani & Miller Theory of Capital Structure Proposition I: v firm value Proposition II: WACC
M&M v determined by: cash flows risk of assets change v by: change cash flows change risk of cash flows
M&M Case I:No Taxes No Bankruptcy Costs Proposition I v NOT affected by changes in capital structure cash flows don’t change, so v doesn’t change Proposition II WACC NOT affected by changes in cap structure
M&M Case I:No Taxes No Bankruptcy Costs
M&M Case II:with Taxes No Bankruptcy Costs interest tax deductible so: debt taxes cash v
M&M Case II:with Taxes No Bankruptcy Costs Proposition I v IS affected by changes in capital structure cash flows change, so v changes Proposition II WACC IS affected by changes in cap structure
M&M Case II:with Taxes No Bankruptcy Costs Proposition I Proposition II
M&M Case II:with Taxes No Bankruptcy Costs
M&M Case II:with Taxes No Bankruptcy Costs
M&M Case III:with Taxes with Bankruptcy Costs risks to shareholders to bondholders constraint on debt financing legal & administrative problems management focus lost lost sales interrupted operations loss of valuable employees
M&M Case III:with Taxes with Bankruptcy Costs interest still tax deductible bankruptcy risks debt chance of bankruptcy risk WACC
M&M Case III:with Taxes with Bankruptcy Costs Proposition I v increases initially due to tax benefit of debt until overwhelmed by bankruptcy risk Proposition II WACC declines at moderate debt level increases at high debt level
M&M Case IIIProposition 1
M&M Case IIIProposition 2