C R O P S T O I N D U S T R Y WP 5 Sustainability Tasks 5.2 and 5.3 Task leader: Oeko-Institut Crops2Industry “Non-food Crops-to-Industry schemes in EU27”
C R O P S T O I N D U S T R Y Content 1.Objectives 2.Progress of work 3.Some first results 4.Problems to be solved 5.Next steps
C R O P S T O I N D U S T R Y 1. Objectives Assess selected production and environmental impacts Identify ‘core’ list of standards and criteria for environmental and socio-economic sustainability of –selected non-food crops-to-industrial-products systems –in a global and country-specific perspective
C R O P S T O I N D U S T R Y 2. Progress of work Related activities of Oeko-Institut –German BMU/UBA “bio global” study (iLUC, land use, biodiversity) –IEE Project “Biomass Futures” (WP 4 – Sustainability) –CEN sustainability standards for bioenergy TC ISO PC –European Biofuels Technology Platform WG 4 (Sustainability) –IEA Bioenergy Task 40 "Sustainable Bioenergy Trade" –Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (RSB) –Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) Sustainability Task Force –UNEP-FAO-UNIDO Targeted Research for GEF Activities will feed into WP Tasks Work of BOKU (Task 5.1): consider linking criteria to spatial disaggregation
C R O P S T O I N D U S T R Y 3. Some first results “Critical” environmental issues –direct and indirect land use change (LUC) and its impacts on GHG balances, and biodiversity: non-food crops grown on arable could lead to ILUC… –agrobiodiversity: possibly positive (scale-dependent) “Critical” social issues –food security impacts: depend on arable land use –employment: data needed for 4F crops, but positive!!! Key research issues –spatially disaggregation (using Environmental Zones based on EEA work on biomass potentials) –long-term: role of genetically modified organisms (GMO)
C R O P S T O I N D U S T R Y..on ILUC Indirect LUC: all incremental biomass crops (electricity, heat, transport, materials, food, feed, fiber) Options to reduce ILUC risk: –Use “degraded“ land higher costs, incentives needed + biodiversity/social safeguards –Use land „freed“ from yield increase (how to measure?); possibly: convert hi-intense grassland? Long-term: strengthen global conventions to “cap“ iLUC effects on GHG + biodiversity only real solution!
C R O P S T O I N D U S T R Y Biomass crops Residues/wastes Priority: Material use first! End of “ cascade“: Energy Use Biomass: Cascading!
C R O P S T O I N D U S T R Y Problems to be solved no problems, but opportunities: –life-cycle data on some plants (“specialty products”, e.g. pharmaceuticals/medicinal) not available, estimates could be done need to clarify list of cropping systems –data on direct employment from 4F crop cultivation and conversion –spatial distribution of future production areas not yet available ( BOKU)
C R O P S T O I N D U S T R Y Next steps Collaboration with BOKU on disaggregation: meeting in DA or Vienna in Jan/Feb needed! Follow ILUC discussion (EU, US…), discuss possible use of hi-intense grassland for 4F cropping (next project meeting) consider new German BMU/UBA project on sustainable biomaterials and BfN project on biodiversity (more info next project meeting) Include outcome of other activities (GBEP, RSB, GEF), prepare paper on status and “core list“