Warm Up 53 When developing a town for 10,000 people, what are some things (such as houses) that would need to be built?
Warm Up 55 (skip 54) 1) What do you know about soil?
WARM UP 55 1) What do you think happens to the dead leaves, twigs and trees?
2) What happens to exposed rock over long time periods?
3) Explain how soil is formed.
4) List several reasons why soil is important.
Warm Up 56 Explain what you see in this chart
Warm Up 57 1) Why do we care about soil erosion?
2) What are the main causes of soil erosion?
Warm Up 58 1) What is desertification? (look up in book)
2) What are some solutions to overgrazing? (look up in book) 3) What are 2 negative impacts of soil erosion?
Warm Up 59 1) When did humans begin farming?
2) List several differences between traditional and industrial agriculture.
3) List at least 1 positive and negative of the Green Revolution.
Warm Up 60 1) Explain what genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are.
2) What is happening to the amount of arable land worldwide? Why is that a problem?
Warm Up 61 1)List at least 3 reasons why you think we study water. (why is water important?) 2) List 5 ways you use water.
3) What is the chemical formula for water. 4) Estimate how much water you use each day.
Warm Up 62 1)Why is water a limited resource? 2)Where is most water located?
3) How is most water in U.S. homes used? 4) List 3 ways to conserve water at home.
Warm Up 63 1) List 3 ways that water is a “unique” substance.
2) In your own words, describe several steps in the water cycle.
Warm Up 64 1) Explain how an action of someone in NY State can impact the water quality of the Delaware as it passes Philadelphia
2) Copy and fill in blanks: ______% of Earth is covered by water, of that _______ % is in the Oceans and _______% is fresh water. Of the fresh water most is found _______________.
3) How can we protect groundwater?
Warm up 65 1)List as many ways humans use water as you can think of. 2)Predict: For what use do we use the most water? 3)Predict: How much do you think you pay for 1 gallon of tap water?
Warm Up 66 1) List several benefits and costs of dams
2) Why is desalinization not more common? 3) Why is chlorine often added to drinking water?