Hi! You need: Pencil/pen Journal Research materials Journal (1/5/15): There are exactly 5 months until graduation (for you seniors, at least). What do.


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Presentation transcript:

Hi! You need: Pencil/pen Journal Research materials Journal (1/5/15): There are exactly 5 months until graduation (for you seniors, at least). What do you hope to do between now and then? Compose a “bucket list” for your last few months of high school.

Agenda: Journal: 6-month bucket list Unit 3: Research Project – Thesis statement What do you know? What do you hope to prove? What will the result be? EXAMPLE: Genetically modified organisms should be identified on food labels so consumers are aware of potential health risks. – Outline Label your sources (1-?) Mindmap your topic—what do you have to discuss within your paper? Where do your sources make sense? Outline format Homework: – Due tomorrow = outline & thesis – Due Thursday = Draft 1 When you leave you will have: -crafted an outline and a thesis statement for your Unit 3 research project.

Hi! You need: Pencil/pen Journal Unit 3 packet Journal (1/7/15): Over the weekend a Frederick news paper printed an article about a situation involving parking spots and two County Council members. One of the council members, Kirby Delauter, became angry that the FNP published his name without permission and told the FNP he would sue them. However, this violates the first amendment (freedom of the press). D, C, Q: Part of becoming a public official is to be prepared to have your name printed in both positive or negative lights.

Agenda: Journal: Kirby Delauter Research Share-Out – Fill out packets & information from groups A Long Way Gone – 1 st page, 1 st question – Read chapter 1 independently – Track difficult vocabulary words on your calendar Learning Log: What are you confident or confused about? HOMEWORK: Finish reading chapter 1 & answer chapter 1 question on notebook paper. When you leave you will have: -shared research findings with class. -analyzed the connotation of a text.

Page 1 When Ishmael Beah’s friends find out that Ishmael witnessed “people running around with guns and shooting each other” their response is, “cool”. Then, when they request that he tell them about it and his life in Sierra Leone, Ishmael responds with “Yes, sometime.” What is Ishmael’s tone toward this topic? What does that reveal about him?

Group Rhetorical Analysis RHETORICAL DEVICE: Evidence of it in use:How does this device contribute to the tone? Effect it creates:How does this device help accomplish their purpose for writing?