RLM Company Master Company 01 Jordache, Ltd.
Menu Screen: Applications Enter Company Number Select application OK Order EntryFinished Goods ARAllocation System APEDI System GLUniversal Carton Control Return AuthorizationPhysical Inventory PayrollMiscellaneous Raw MaterialRouting Wave Code Stock Locator UPC Enhanced Locator
Order Entry (left to right) Screen #1 * = filled in, possibly required Fax No. Phone * Std. Currency * Application Code (sysgen) Company Name * G/L Corp No. * –Same as company no. Company Street * Telex # Zip * Company city + state * A/R & Sales Post to: * –Company code Report Date Month and Year (2 flds) * –??? GL Account fields (10 digits – 4.2.4) –Acct.recv. (the only one used) * –Sales disc –Insurance –Misc.chg –Handling –Cash rec. –Freight –Sales tax –Labeling Checkbox for “Company has Divisions” Costing * –System (Old or New) –Method (Std. or Actual) Checkbox for Bank cash-Adj.Div.default * Effective A/R cash date MM/YY 2 flds * Fiscal YR star Month * Fiscal YR (at startup) * # of days to retain paid invoice * No of months to maintain cust. History * Checkboxes – if checked: –Company assigns invoice # –Credits use different sequence number than invoices –Company uses consolidated AR post to account # –Allow entry of modulus 10 check digit on control # at order entry time –Allows dates to be entered in next fiscal period Cooperative Advertising Method * –By From To date –By Season C/O change from customer profile * –By season –By group
Order Entry (left to right) screen #2 Checkboxes (if checked): –Allow raw material allocation for FGPO from any division/location (selected) –Pick ticket # to be assigned by company –Raw material physical inventory taken for all divisions at once FG physical inventory actual cost update method (unused) –Update cost whenever a costed report is requested –Actual cost can only be updated by Physical Inventory security officer System auto-assigns Bates # (FGPO#?) by company (selected) System auto-assigns Bates # (FGPO#?) by div Use acct.xref –Subbox: choice of: Update on order maintenance if acct # changed Update on customer maintenance GLOBAL Both above No update on order maint. Or global (selected) Checkbox: Security At the Division Level is Mandatory (unused) Checkbox: Company Name place in “DIVISION OF” field in Division Profile if “DIVISION OF” is blank (selected)
Order Entry (left to right) screen #3 Prefix code to print on SMBL forms (unchecked) Apparel Description to print on BOL (unchecked) How to assign BOL #s (number field, type ? To access list of options) Sub-box: Sales and A/R update option –Update all billing into sales and a/r unconditionally (selected) –Update only when actual ship date assigned to invoice –Sub-box: If option 2 selected Effective date based on Invoice date Effective date based on ship date Does order type by division & season need to be in master file for Customer Order Entry and Maintenance (unchecked)
Order Entry (left to right) screen #4 Credit checking method (1-5) – see on-screen descriptions –2 is selected = Cust. Exposure = This order $ + open order $ + open orders less than “010” (typed in field) days past cancel date Secondary credit rating heading (value=C/W) 00 = Company for daily credit line maint. And Checkbox: Allow credit override during O.E. (unchecked) In ARMENU02,opt.02, Place cursor on: –Customer Name –Customer Account Number % of AR due before rejection (default = 10%) For determining past due –6 = 31/60d –9 = 61/90d (default) Checkbox: Check all companies for past due A/R after above credit approval –Number of days after due date to get commission (no field box – no value)
Order Entry (left to right) screen #5 Does this company Manifest on a separate/remote CPU? (unchecked) If so: –Enter Separate/Remote serial # –Remote Location Name –Mode –Network ID –HOST serial # –Local (HOST) location name –HOST mode –HOST Network ID –Checkbox: Separate manifests based on building location cut-off # (unchecked) Default std carrier code for routing maint. (unfilled) Checkbox: Is country code mandatory during name/address maint (checked) –Country code Checkbox: Display checkpoint during shipment header maint (unchecked) –Default cycle (unfilled) –Default checkpoint (unfilled) Password for this company’s apps Checkbox: Automatically display DC address in ship to address (if available) (unchecked) Sub-box: Auto Ship Manifest Creation –Auto create/upd ship manifest (selected) –Same as above; rush manifest allowed during invoicing Checkbox: Security mandatory at DC (unchecked)