Adolescence and Risk Behaviors
Definition – The period of time between childhood (starting at puberty) and adulthood. Adolescence is the second fastest period of physical and mental growth. The first is…???????? #1 & 2 infancy
The teen years involve changes that affect all sides of your health triangle. Adapting to and coping with changes during the teen years can make you feel physically tired and emotionally stressed.
You will have many changes during this time of your life.
Feelings are strong and change quickly (mood swings) Feelings of loneliness and confusion Concern about the future Concerns about appearance Can solve more complex problems Changes in your “belief window” #3
Friendships become more important Become more interested relationships (boyfriend/girlfriend) Want to be more independent from family #3
Hormones: chemical substances, produced in glands, that help to regulate many body functions Puberty What changes take place during puberty? Are they the same for boys and girls? #3
Both girls and boys experience changes during adolescence. Keep in mind that everyone experiences these changes and that they are completely normal. Everyone experiences them at differently times though.
On problem #4 list as many choices that you make every day that positively affect your total health.
A few examples: Eating nutritious foods Avoiding tobacco, alcohol and other drugs Getting at least 9 hours of sleep every night Getting at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day (Fuel up to Play 60) Preventing injuries Spending time with friends Developing skills and talents
Risks are an unavoidable part of life. However, some actions involve a high level of unnecessary risk. These are called risk behaviors. #5
What are some risk behaviors strongly associated with teens? The 5 top risk behaviors for teens: The use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs An unhealthy diet A sedentary lifestyle Sexual activity Unintentional injuries & violence #6
All risk behaviors carry consequences- some minor and some major. The combination of risk behaviors creates cumulative risks, which increase in effect with each added risk. What does that mean?
Continuing risk behaviors is considered self-destructive. Self-destructive means harmful to your physical, mental/emotional, and social health.
What are some strategies to help you avoid serious consequences? - Taking precautions - Practicing healthful behaviors -Practicing abstinence What is abstinence? It means to do without or to abstain. #7 & 8
Having a positive attitude and using self-control will help show that you are ready to take on greater responsibility. Being responsible for your own health is an important step toward becoming an adult. You need to believe that making wise choices and developing good health habits can have a positive effect on your health.
-parents-relatives -teachers-coaches -school counselors-police department -nurse, doctor etc.-hospitals -religious leaders-nutritionist -SRO-community center #9
Situation A: Your best friend encourages you to run for student body president. You would like to have the job and you believe you would be good at it, but you are really afraid to speak in front of large crowds. You know you would have to give a speech to the entire school. What are the risks involved if you run?
Situation B: Your friend drives you to a party in her car. During the party you notice that she drank five beers with some of her other friends in the two hours that you have been at the party. When it is time to go home, you offer to drive you both home in her car, but she refuses. What is the degree of risk if you choose to ride home with her driving?
Situation C: You are in an advanced math class and have an A. Several of the students in the class are having a hard time understanding the material. Tomorrow is the final test. Two of your friends want you to help them cheat. They have figured out a way that you probably won’t get caught. You would prefer not to cheat, but you do not know what to do. What are the risks if you go along with them?