What is Health ?
Think of the healthiest person you know….. What about them made you classify them as “Healthy?” Discuss with the person next to you
What Is Health? The sports activities you participate in, the kinds of foods you eat, and the people you spend time with affect your total health. Often, good health is pictured as a triangle with equal sides (shown on next slide). health A combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.
Classifying Using this diagram as a guide, create a concept map that gives examples of each of the three types of health. Health Physical Mental/ Emotional Social
What Is Health?
Physical Health Physical health is the condition of your body. Physical health is measured by what you do as well as what you don’t do. By avoiding harmful substances and being physically active, you can stay physically healthy. Being physically healthy means taking care of your body.
Mental/Emotional Health Mental/emotional health is measured by the way you think and express your feelings. You can develop good mental/emotional health by learning to think positively and to express your feelings in healthy ways. Positive thinking is a good strategy to use whey you are feeling sad or down. Try focusing your attention on all of the good things in your life, such as your friends, family, and activities you enjoy. Recognizing and building your strengths will help you feel good about yourself. Knowing when to ask for help is a good sign of good mental/emotional health.
Social Health Good social health means communicating well with and having respect for family, friends, and acquaintances. Good social health also means building relationships with people you can trust and who can trust you. Think about the people in your life. With whom do you feel the most comfortable and why? Can you imagine reaching out to them to offer or ask for support?
Healthy Habits and Wellness When all three sides of your health triangle are balanced, you have achieved wellness. wellness A state of well-being, or total health
Healthy Habits and Wellness You can improve your wellness by developing good habits. habit A pattern of behavior that you follow almost without thinking Good health habits appear on the next slide.
Healthy Habits and Wellness Choosing healthy foods Participating in regular physical activity Good Health Habits Once you develop good health habits, you will be taking care of yourself almost without thinking. Getting along with others Learning how to handle stress
Healthy Habits and Wellness Peak Health Healthy Habits Practices health skills Avoids risk Where do you fit on the wellness scale? Average Health Unhealthy Habits Does not practice health skills Takes risks Poor Health
Lesson 2- Influences on Your Health
Factors that Affect Your Health Your health is influenced by your personal tastes and outside influences. What foods do you like to eat? What are your hobbies and favorite activities? Your answers to these questions reflect your personal tastes, your likes and dislikes. Your health is influenced by your personal tastes and outside factors including heredity, environment, family, culture, the media, and technology.
Heredity Heredity can determine physical traits and the risk of developing diseases. heredity The process by which biological parents pass traits to their children Heredity can determine physical traits such as eye, hair, and skin color. You may also inherit a musical or athletic ability. Diseases such as diabetes or allergies and also be passed along through heredity.
Environment Where you live and where you go to school are parts of your environment. Your environment includes your neighborhood, your school, the people around you, the climate you live in, the air you breath, and the water you drink. The environment you live in has an affect on your health. For example, if you live in a warm climate, you may have more opportunity to participate in outdoor activities. You also have to be careful in the sun. environment The sum total of your surroundings
Family and Culture Two related influences on your health are your family and your culture. Family and culture can influence your health in the following ways: Eating habits Physical activity The use of health services culture The collected beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group
Peers Peers can have either a positive or a negative influence on your health. peers Friends and other people in your age group Peer pressure can influence healthful choices. Peers can have a negative influence on health by asking you to take part in risky behaviors such as drinking or smoking.
Media Messages from media and other sources influence health behavior. The media is often used by companies to encourage us to buy their products. media Various methods of communicating information, including newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet Messages from the media can influence health behavior by being a source of information on health topics and by providing us with advertisements for health products and services. Messages from media and other sources influence health behavior.
Technology Technology has had a huge impact in detecting illnesses. Technology can influence your health because it can provide you with fast and easy access to valid health information. technology The use of scientific ideas to improve the quality of life Email and the Internet are two examples of how technology gives us access to health information. The MRI machine is an example of how technology has had an impact Technology has had a huge impact in detecting illnesses.
Your Health Choices and Behaviors You have control over your behavior and the choices you make. behavior The way you act in the many different situations and events in your life. Choosing to eat healthy foods will affect your physical health. Knowing the consequences of your choices and behaviors can help you take responsibility for your health.
Personal Attitudes If you have a positive attitude about wearing safety belts, you’ll probably wear one when riding in a car. attitude What you believe or feel about someone or something Teens who have positive attitudes toward healthy habits usually encourage others to do the same.
Lesson 4- Your Decisions Count
Your Decisions Count Some decisions are small and some decisions are tough. decisions Choices that you make What are some decisions you made today?
Your Decisions Count Decisions can have serious consequences. consequences Results During your teen years, you will have many important decisions to make. For some decisions, you will want to seek help from your parents, guardians, or other trusted adults. These people can point out the possible consequences of your decisions.
Risk Factors Any decision that involves a risk to your health is an important one. risk The chance of harm or loss When making decisions, you should understand the short-term and long-term consequences of safe, risky, and harmful behaviors. Decision Short-term consequences Long-term consequences
The Decision-Making Process Step 1: State the Situation Ask Yourself What are the facts? Who else is involved? In the decision-making process, it’s a good idea to write down your answers as you work through each step.
The Decision-Making Process Step 2: List the options Think of all your options and ask other people for suggestions. An adult you trust is a good person to ask for advice when making important decisions.
The Decision-Making Process Step 3: Weigh the Possible Outcomes H Healthful E Ethical H (Healthful) What health risks, if any, will this option present? E (Ethical) Does this choice reflect what you and your family believe to be ethical, or right? L (Legal) Does this option violate any local, state, or federal laws? P (Parental Approval) Would your parents approve of this choice? L Legal P Parental Approval
The Decision-Making Process Riding in a car without a safety belt and exceeding the speed limit is an example of cumulative risk. cumulative risk The addition of one risk factor to another, increasing the chance of harm or loss
The Decision-Making Process Step 4: Consider Values Your values should guide any important decision you make. Values reflect what is important to you and what you have learned is right and wrong. values Beliefs you feel strongly about that help the way you live
The Decision-Making Process Step 5: Make a Decision and Act on It If you’ve weighed the options, mapped out the risks and consequences, and are comfortable with your decision, you are ready for action. If you are not comfortable with your decision, look at other options or ask a trusted adult for help.
The Decision-Making Process Step 6: Evauluate the Decision Ask yourself: Were the results positive or negative? Were there any unexpected outcomes? Was there anything I could have done differently? What have I learned from the experience? If the action you took wasn’t as successful as you’d hoped, try again. Use the decision-making process to find another way to deal with the situation.
Lesson 5- Setting Health Goals
Comparing and Contrasting What do you think is the difference between a short-term and a long-term goal? What is an example of each?
Setting Goals Goal setting is an important skill that will help you achieve and maintain good health. Some goals are broad, such as wanting to be happy or successful. Some goals are specific, such as getting a good grade on a test. goal Something you hope to accomplish
Types of Goals The two types of goals are: Short-term goal Long-term goal An example of a short-term goal is getting your homework done in time to watch a certain TV program. An example of a long-term goal is studying to be a veterinarian. short-term goal A goal that you plan to accomplish in a short time long-term goal A goal that you hope to achieve within a period of months or years
What is an example of a short-term goal What is an example of a short-term goal? What is an example of a long-term goal?
Setting Goals in a Group Setting goals can be a challenge, especially when a whole group is involved.
Choosing Goals Factors that influence setting goals include: Your Interests Your Skills Your Abilities What do you do well? What would you like to improve? Answering questions like these will help you choose goals you will want to work toward. Do a reality check. Is your goal realistic? Don’t sell yourself short. Select goals that will challenge you and don’t be afraid to aim high. Your Priorities Your Changing Abilities Your Responsibilities
Reaching Your Goals Make your goals specific List the steps to reach your goal Get help from others Evaluate your progress Reward yourself Make your goals specific Don’t just say, “I want to be a better piano player.” Say, “I want to be able to play a certain piece of music without making any mistakes at my next recital.” List the steps to reach your goal Break big goals down into smaller tasks. Get help from others Identify people who can help you achieve your goals. Identify sources of information, such as books as magazine articles. Evaluate your progress Check periodically to see how well you’re progressing toward your goal. Seek feedback to find out if you should be doing something differently. If necessary, adjust your plan, or seek help. Reward yourself Treat yourself in a special way, and celebrate your accomplishments.
What I Learned Describe Why is it important to set a realistic goal? Lesson 5 Review What I Learned Describe Why is it important to set a realistic goal? It is important to set realistic goals so that the goals can be achieved.