Place Logo Here COMPANY NAME OR GROUP HERE 12 The number of POSITIVE EXPERIENCES it takes to make up for ONE POOR ONE Inspired by: Understanding Customers (Ruby Newell-Legmer)
Place Logo Here COMPANY NAME OR GROUP HERE 95% Customers who will do business WITH YOU AGAIN if you resolve complaints IMMEDIATELY Inspired by: Lee Resource, Inc.
Place Logo Here COMPANY NAME OR GROUP HERE If you’re not SERVING THE CUSTOMER, you should be serving SOMEONE WHO IS Inspired by: Philip B. Crosby
Place Logo Here COMPANY NAME OR GROUP HERE 26 Number of customers who REMAIN QUIET for every ONE WHO COMPLAINS Source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs
Place Logo Here COMPANY NAME OR GROUP HERE #1 Thing to ask yourself: “If I were my customer, would the SERVICE I PROVIDE make me HAPPY?” Inspired by: Mark Pinnetti
Place Logo Here COMPANY NAME OR GROUP HERE 68% Amount of CUSTOMERS WHO LEAVE brands due to attitude of INDIFFERENCE BY STAFF Source: How to Win Customers and Keep Them (Michael Leboeuf)