The new SEN Code of practice! Stronger rights for children to be educated in mainstream schools Parents to be provided with greater information and advice services Schools to justify when they are making SEN provision for their child Views of the child/parent are taken into account 1
Roles and Responsibilities Staff: To be aware of the schools procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision for children with SEN SENCo: To be responsible for the day to day operation & Coordination of provision for pupils with SEN. 2
Initial Entitlement of SEN Identification of child with a learning need by form/subject tutor. - Reports (verbal / written). - Assessment of progress / attainment in class. - Observation. Complete initial identification proforma and return to SENCO. 3
Initial Entitlement of SEN Child is entitled to an appropriate curriculum. Child must have access to a differentiated curriculum. Child must have access to school support programmes. 4
Initial Entitlement of SEN Form and subject teacher responsible. When strategies are successful in achieving progress, maintain current action. If strategies are unsuccessful in achieving progress – change action or begin School Action. 5
School Action Inform SENCO, who will inform class teacher and parents. Class teacher to arrange a meeting through SEN administration: -Register child on SEN register & send round robin. -Formal letter to confirm meeting sent by SEN administration. -Create IEP at meeting using iepwriter2 – see guidance. -Formal letter/relevant paperwork sent by SEN administration. 6
School Action Form and subject teacher responsible. When strategies are successful in achieving progress, maintain current stage and review. If strategies are unsuccessful in achieving progress – change action or begin School Action Plus. 7
School Action Plus Inform SENCO prior to review. SENCO to attend meeting in order to establish further school responses. School seeks permission, advice and support from appropriate agencies. Develop further relationships with parents and child. Revised IEP with fresh strategies and further SMART targets. 8
School Action Plus Form, subject teacher and SENCO responsible. When strategies are successful in achieving progress, maintain current stage and review. If strategies are unsuccessful in achieving progress, SENCO to advise a change of action, begin PSP, apply for Ear-marked pupil funding or apply for statementing. 9
Statutory Assessment Application made to LEA - (6 months) Information supplied by school -Previous test results -Previous IEPs -Any other information gathered to inform earlier IEPs / decisions Reviewed annually 10