National Politics In The Gilded Age, Shruti Vyas Shruti Vyas
The Gilded Age by Mark Twain
Campaign Strategy Election campaigns included brass bands, flags, buttons, picnics, free beer, and crowd pleasing oratory. Election campaigns included brass bands, flags, buttons, picnics, free beer, and crowd pleasing oratory. Republicans reminded the voters of the Civil War and the “bloody shirt” and said that millions of veterans on the Union army had been wounded because of southern democrats. Republicans reminded the voters of the Civil War and the “bloody shirt” and said that millions of veterans on the Union army had been wounded because of southern democrats. The south was solidly democratic and democrats had the support of the former Confederacy. The south was solidly democratic and democrats had the support of the former Confederacy.
Party Patronage Party Patronage
Rutherford B. Hayes
James Garfield
Chester A. Arthur
The Election of 1884
Pendleton Act of 1881 Set up Civil Service Commission and created a system by which applicants for classified federal jobs would be selected on basis of an exam. Set up Civil Service Commission and created a system by which applicants for classified federal jobs would be selected on basis of an exam. It also prohibited civil servants from making political contributions. It also prohibited civil servants from making political contributions.
Greenback Party Supporter of paper money Supporter of paper money Goal was to increase amount of money in circulation Goal was to increase amount of money in circulation Creditors and investors wanted gold or silver and were supported by congress who passed the Specie Resumption Act that withdrew the last of the greenbacks from circulation Creditors and investors wanted gold or silver and were supported by congress who passed the Specie Resumption Act that withdrew the last of the greenbacks from circulation
The election of 1888
Billion-dollar Congress The McKinley Tariff- raised tax on foreign products over 48% The McKinley Tariff- raised tax on foreign products over 48% Increases in the monthly pensions to Civil War veterans, widows, and children Increases in the monthly pensions to Civil War veterans, widows, and children The Sherman Antitrust Act- limited monopolies The Sherman Antitrust Act- limited monopolies Sherman Silver Purchase Act of increase coinage of silver in small amounts which would not satisfy farmers Sherman Silver Purchase Act of increase coinage of silver in small amounts which would not satisfy farmers A bill that protected the voting rights of African- Americans which was passed by the House but defeated in the Senate A bill that protected the voting rights of African- Americans which was passed by the House but defeated in the Senate
Omaha Platform and Populist Party Unlimited coinage of silver to increase money supply Unlimited coinage of silver to increase money supply Graduated income tax Graduated income tax Public ownership of railroads by U.S. gov’t Public ownership of railroads by U.S. gov’t Telegraph and telephone systems owned && operated by gov’t Telegraph and telephone systems owned && operated by gov’t Loans and federal warehouses for farmers to enable them to stabilize prices for crops Loans and federal warehouses for farmers to enable them to stabilize prices for crops 8 hr work day for industrial workers 8 hr work day for industrial workers
The Election of 1892
Panic of 1893 Stock market crash due to overspeculation Stock market crash due to overspeculation Dozens of railroads went into bankruptcy as a result of overbuilding Dozens of railroads went into bankruptcy as a result of overbuilding
Coxey’s Army March to Washington March to Washington Led by Jacob A. Coxey Led by Jacob A. Coxey Demanded gov’t spend $500 million on public works program to create jobs. Demanded gov’t spend $500 million on public works program to create jobs. Coxey and a few others were arrested for trespassing so the others went home Coxey and a few others were arrested for trespassing so the others went home
Election of 1896
William McKinley
TWO WEEKS AND ONE DAY ….UNTIL THE APUSH EXAM!!!!!! I hope this was helpful! =) I hope this was helpful! =)