After the Civil War, African-Americans faced R.A.C.I.S.M. Chapter 1: An Age More Golden than Gilded?
R.R. Racist Jim Crow laws Enforced between Racial segregation in public life Separate water fountains, public schools, public bath houses, restaurants, public libraries, buses and rail cars Chapter 1: An Age More Golden than Gilded?
A.A. African-Americans look to courts Blacks sue for rights W.E.B. Dubois led fight in courts Often times lost Chapter 1: An Age More Golden than Gilded?
C.C. Cities: “Great Migration” to North Blacks migrated to northern cities Left for improved economic opportunity and to escape racism Chapter 1: An Age More Golden than Gilded?
I.I. Intimidation: lynchings Ku Klux Klan (KKK) formed after war Intimidated, attacked, and lynched African-Americans President Grant sent in army to stop KKK Chapter 1: An Age More Golden than Gilded?
S.S. Supreme Court: Plessy v. Ferguson Infamous court case, 1896 Approved racial segregation Said “separate but equal” okay Chapter 1: An Age More Golden than Gilded?
M.M. Mass movement: NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Led by W.E.B. Dubois Pushed for equal rights in court Chapter 1: An Age More Golden than Gilded?