Tsunami & Other Coastal Hazards Warning System Project Draft TCHWS Project Public Awareness & Education Strategy
Outline Objective Strategy Rationale
Objectives To sensitize the public to the region’s vulnerability to tsunamis.
Objectives To sensitize the public to the region’s vulnerability to tsunamis. Increase awareness of potential impact.
Objectives To sensitize the public to the region’s vulnerability to tsunamis. Increase awareness of potential impact. Motivate the public to adopt tsunami preparedness measures.
1.Create a brand 2.Identify a local partner 3.Select target groups 4.Develop programme messages
Strategy 5.Identify appropriate communication tools. 6.Test & deliver the message 7.Evaluate 8.Sustain the programme
Rationale – Create a Brand
Rationale Spark interest in topic Create a tangible symbol for association with tsunami preparedness. Message continuity in the region Create a brand
Rationale Tsunami Smart is… Being self-reliant Being proactive Working as a community
Identify local partners
Rationale NDO is a key partner Relevance to local context Increased sustainability Identify local partners
Select Target Groups
Rationale Focusing on 1-2 groups effectively Disparity of population needs National and community level Select target groups
Rationale Coastal community residents Select target groups
Rationale Coastal businesses Select target groups
Rationale Coastal workers Select target groups
Rationale Select target groups Tourism Sector
Rationale Select target groups Education sector
Develop programme messages
Rationale Simple Develop programme messages
Rationale Simple Positive Develop programme messages
Rationale Simple Positive Relevant Develop programme messages
Rationale The Caribbean region is vulnerable to tsunamis Messages
Rationale Tsunamis do not occur frequently but their effects can be devastating. Messages
Rationale Recognizing natural warning signs could save your life. Messages
Rationale FEEL SEE HEAR RUN If the sea leaves so should you. Messages
Identify communication tools
Rationale National level - Mass media Community level - Direct interaction Identify appropriate communication tools
Rationale Communication Tools Mass Media Public Service Announcements Newspaper article Newspaper advertisement Press Kit TV/Radio talk show appearances
Rationale Communication Tools Direct meetings Tsunami Smart training sessions with teachers and disaster management educators.
Rationale Communication Tools Printed material Tsunami Smart safety pamphlet FAQ specific to Pilot State Tsunami Smart signage Tsunami Smart display banners Teacher Educational Kit Teacher Educational Resources
Rationale Campaigns serve as test for Project follow up. Feedback and results to be included as recommendations in Final Project Report. Test and deliver message
Rationale Campaign Schedule Week 1Broadcast radio & TV PSA
Rationale Campaign Schedule Week 2PSA Newspaper article Tsunami Smart training Talk show interviews Material distribution Tsunami awareness surveys
Rationale Campaign Schedule Week 3Broadcast radio & TV PSA Week 4Broadcast radio & TV PSA
Rationale Survey administered to target groups at start of campaign week and one-year on. Evaluation
Rationale Provide NDO with training and communication tools. Develop teacher educational material for schools SRC public education and outreach Sustainability
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