Chapter 12.  Five Forms of Tobacco:  Cigarettes  Cigars  Loose tobacco for pipes  Smokeless tobacco  Specialty cigarettes.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 12

 Five Forms of Tobacco:  Cigarettes  Cigars  Loose tobacco for pipes  Smokeless tobacco  Specialty cigarettes

 Cigars and smokeless tobacco are just as harmful as smoking cigarettes because they contain the same harmful chemicals found in cigarettes.

 Vocabulary  Nicotine – an addictive drug found in tobacco leaves and in all tobacco products.  Addictive: a drug capable of causing a user to develop intense craving for it.  Tar – dark, thick, sticky liquid that forms when tobacco burns.

 Cilia – tiny, hairlike structures that protect the lungs  Carbon monoxide – colorless, odorless, poisonous gas that is produced when tobacco burns.  GVwo&feature=endscreen&NR=1 GVwo&feature=endscreen&NR=1

SHORT TERM EFFECTS: LONG TERM EFFECT:  Nervous system:  Circulatory System:  Respiratory System:  Digestive System:  Nervous system:  Circulatory System:  Respiratory System:  Digestive System:

SHORT TERM EFFECTS LONG TERM EFFECTS  Changes in brain chemistry  Heart rate and blood pressure increase  Withdrawal symptoms  (nervousness, shakes, headaches)  Increased risk of stroke, heart attack, lung diseases and death  Constricts blood vessels

SHORT TERM EFFECTS LONG TERM EFFECTS  Increased heart rate  Heart muscles weaken (decreased ability to pump blood and delivery oxygen to heart)  Lack of energy  Increased levels of cholesterol  Clogged blood vessels  Reduced oxygen flow to heart

SHORT TERM EFFECTSLONG TERM EFFECTS  Shortness of breath  Coughing  Allergies and asthma problems increase  Lung cancer  Emphysema  Other Lung Disease  om/watch?v=A75Ytjvd YNw om/watch?v=A75Ytjvd YNw

SHORT TERM EFFECTSLONG TERM EFFECTS  Tooth decay  Bad breath  Dull taste buds  Cancer of the mouth, throat and bladder  Stomach Ulcers  Gum and tooth disease

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