Borderless Europe? Summary of the project Alattyányi István Subotica, 13 th October, Borderless EUR Closing Conference HUSRB/1002/222/159
Antecedents February, Borderless Eur submission – submission of the Borderless Europe project July, Results January, Change of partners, then signing the contract and conduction of the project
Data of the project Duration of the support: 10 months Material amount of subsidy: 71, EUR Total budget of the program: 83,985 EUR Partners: LB: South-plain Youth Foundation for leisure time and lifestyle PP: SPOT Association
Goals and the target group Goals: -civil initiatives -cultural exchange -creation and strengthening of the common regional awareness -strengthening the sense of belonging to the common region Target group: - The young people of the age group of high school pupils and students in the DKMT Euroregion
Activities Press conference combined with a project-opening conference (Szeged); International assessment of the impact by involving the target groups in both countries (HU/SRB); The realization of two student-camps in the two countries (HU/SRB); Preparing an interactive website (HU/SRB/ENG); Youth expert activities (HU/SRB); Youth training and skills development (HU/SRB); Project-closing event combined with a press conference, with the involvement of the young people (Subotica);
PR and COMMUNICATION in 3 languages -2 x 400 brochures (presenting the program); -2 x 300 letter paper; -300 pens, 500 folders, 1000 pocket calendars; press conferences on the occasion of the opening conference and the closing conference; -2 x 500 program brochures (presenting the camp); -2 press coverages (printed HU/SRB); -2 radio reports; -2 internet appearances;
Numerals and Facts Opening event of the project and the press conference: 181 persons participating, International assessment of the impact: 1350 people x 2 participants ; 2 x 10 days of realizing the student camp with 2 x 50 participants; (the total amount of applicants 87 people) Youth expert activities: active days of consultancy: 60 days of consulting; Youth training and skills development in 160 active contact hours; 3 pieces of press articles published in a national newspaper (HU/SRB/ENG) in 3 x 150,000 copies pre an article; 4 times publishing an electronic article in electronic youth media; 3767 searches on out website in 6 months’ time; 4 pieces of PR reports prepared and published (HU/SRB/ENG); 2 regional radio interviews (MR1)
The expected outcomes of the program -definitely not short-term ones; -continuous education, training and skills development; -Building a regional generational network; -Partner searches and generation of new projects -Vitalizing the economic networks; -Complex protection of the ecosystem -The running cooperation of Economic/Educational/Civil sectors.