1 2 1. Don't Smoke Smoking is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths. If you smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipes, or use "smokeless" tobacco, stop.


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Presentation transcript:


2 1. Don't Smoke Smoking is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths. If you smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipes, or use "smokeless" tobacco, stop now. (Avoid second-hand smoke as if your life depended on it. It may.)

3 2. Wear a Hat Exposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer. Use #15 sunscreen, wear a hat and cover up. Avoid tanning booths, too!

4 3. Watch What You Drink Alcohol is not recommended, but if you do drink, the USDA suggests you do so in moderation. If you must drink, make water your only choice.

5 4. Cut the Fat Your daily consumption of fats should be 30% or less of your total calorie intake. High fat diets contribute to several forms of cancer, including breast and colon cancer

6 5. Eat Your Vegetables Fruits, too. 5 servings a day will help provide Vitamins A, C, E and other substances that contain known anti-cancer agents. Especially good for you are deep green and yellow/orange vegetables.

7 6. Rough It Roughage and fiber help prevent cancer of the colon; eat 6 servings daily (20-30 grams) of fiber filled beans, whole grains and vegetables.

8 7. Stay In Shape Overweight people are at greater risk for cancer and heart disease. Get in the habit of exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet.

9 8. Learn to Relax Stress weakens the immune system, which reduces your ability to fight cancer and other disease. Work out, walk, garden, meditate, etc. Find a method that works for you.

10 9. Keep a Healthy Home Eliminate toxic chemicals and cleaners around your home. Switch to environmentally safe cleaning and yard products.

Take Control of Your Healt Next to prevention, your best defense against cancer is early detection. Make it a habit to get screening tests for cancer, such as a mammogram, PAP test and prostate exam.