IPL Simulation Phase I & Phase II activities in Allied Health Sciences Nathan Reeves Accredited Exercise Physiologist/Lecturer School of Allied Health Sciences
Graduate Diploma in Exercise Science 3 year Exercise Science Degree 1 year Grad Dip in Ex Sci Accredited Exercise Physiologist 140 Hours Healthy Population 140 Hours Cardiopulmonary and Metabolic 80 Hours Other 140 Hours Musculoskeletal and Neurological PRACTICUMPRACTICUM } Clinical
2014 Graduate Diploma in Exercise Science Feb Ma r Apr May JuneJuly Aug SeptOct Course WorkClinical Placement CLEIMSCLEIMS STEPSSTEPS SIMULATIONSIMULATION IPL } } } Phase I&II Phase II EP Specific Phase I&II Phase I = Introduction to other health professions Phase II = Simulated professional team experience
Simulation Topics EP Specific Interprofessional Type 2 Diabetes Patient - EP & Dietitian Cardiovascular Patient – EP & Pharmacist Cancer and Life-limiting Illness Care – EP & Dietitian Musculoskeletal Subjective Assessment Neuromuscular Subjective Assessment
IPL Learning Objectives EP & Dietitian EP & Pharmacy Describe the role of an EP and Dietitian in supporting a person to manage condition Discuss how EP and Dietitians can work together to support a person to manage their condition Develop a joint management plan Actively participate in a reflective debrief discussion Demonstrate effective communication and engagement when treating a patient with the condition Improve student knowledge of how EPs and Pharmacists support people managing their condition Raise awareness of how EP and Pharmacists can collaborate in relation to managing the condition Increase understanding of how different health professionals contribute to a management plan Increase awareness of adherence related issues Improve knowledge and application of strategies used to negotiate treatment goals and management plan Gain insight into collaborative management plans and related benefits
IPL Simulation Structure
IPL Simulation Feedback Prior to CLEIMS, 67% of EP students reported limited knowledge of how patients are managed by Doctors. After CLEIMS, students reports that their knowledge had increased to at least a moderate level (72%). 57% of medical students reported they were unaware of EP services and that CLEIMS increased their understanding of the role of EP (99%) and the method of referral (90%).
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