GRADE 12—IB II Year International Baccalaureate Diploma Program
THE IC MISSION STATEMENT The mission of International College is to educate young men and women to be capable of initiative and critical thinking, and who will serve as role models in a global society. The curriculum aims for excellence at all levels and embraces the education of the whole person. Graduates of I.C. will have developed self-discipline, problem-solving abilities, social responsibility, self- confidence, and awareness of, and respect for, the interdependence of nations in all their diversity
The IB Learner Profile
Course Coefficients and Graduation Requirements A General end of year average of 70 is required for graduation Graduating class students who a. fail to meet the minimum requirements in one or more courses, or b. whose conduct are not deemed worthy will not be allowed to attend Commencement Exercises SUBJECT H/WCoeficientMin. Gr. for IB II SLHLSLHLSLHL Arabic4623 Ab Initio 65 B 65B 70 Visual Arts Biology CAS3 to 4--Pass / Fail Chemistry English A Economics French4623 Ab Initio 65 B 65B 70 History Math Physics Psychology Social and Cultural Anthropology Spanish Ab initio Theatre TOK22 65 Citizenship Total40 to 4317 or 18
UNIVERSITY ACCEPTANCE LOCAL UNIVERSITIES STUDENTS WHO GRADUATE with an IB Diploma are accepted to any Local university at the Sophomore level STUDENTS WHO GRADUATE with IB Certificates are accepted at the Freshman level (Arts or Sciences) From Freshman ArtsFrom Freshman Sciences FAS (Arts majors only) SBA FM FAFS FHS FEA – (graphic Design only) FAS SBA FM FAFS FHS FEA
: a)Psychological Support: The class advisor and school psychologist, Mrs. Dana taher Mirza are available to guarantee the necessary support. If the student suffers from any specific adjustment difficulty, the school psychologist is available for support and regular follow up. She will be in constant communication with the class advisor* and parents. *Advisor of IB II A: Mr. Riad Chirazi *Advisor of IB II B: Mrs. Najah Hawwa *Advisor of IB II C: Ms. Manal Abi Saab SUPPORT SERVICES
Mrs. Rindala Abdul Baki, Head coordinator of student matters, will be responsible to follow up on the secondary students’ discipline Ms. Maysoun Al Ali, is the supervisor in charge of the IB II class Ms. Al Ali will follow up on absences, tardiness and computing the citizenship grade
b) Academic Support: If your child faces academic difficulties in one or more subjects, reinforcement classes will be offered. His/her advisor or teacher will invite you to a conference to communicate the difficulties and explore possible solutions. C) Medical Support: During the year, if any medical condition arises, the administration, school physician and nurse will be in constant communication with you. If your child suffers from any prolonged medical condition, a medical report is required. All confidential information is kept with the administration. SUPPORT SERVICES (cont.)
How Does IC Prepare its students for University Studies A. Career Guidance 1.Mrs. Randa Soubaih, College Counselor, is responsible for orienting students towards both local (AUB, LAU, …) and foreign universities. She arranges for meetings with speakers from these universities. These meetings are announced on the IC website. 2.Mrs. Josette Eid, is in charge of career guidance and of inviting speakers from different professions to address the students.
How Does IC Prepare its students for University Studies (cont.) B: Information Technology Programs which aid students in discovering their areas of strength and future professions 1.My 2. C: Local guest speakers who lecture students on their current professions (your contributions are welcome )
IMPORTANT DATES November 11 : First progress report November 19 : Parent–Teacher-Student meetings January 20: Semester 1 report February 5-9: Winter Break (might be used for extra sessions for IB II class) April 17: Last day of classes April 2-13, 18,19: Reading days for IC final exams (Easter Break and Spring break) April 20-24& 27,28: IC Final exams (IB mock exams) April 29, 30: Students check their exam papers May 4-22: IB official exams June : Commencement and Annual Report Sheets 2014 – 2015 Academic year Semester I September 2014 –December 2014 No Mid Year cumulative exams for IB II Semester II January 2014 – April 2014 Ends with the Final cumulative exams
B. COLLEGE RELATED AND CAS DEADLINES: 1.Colleges Related Deadlines: a. Nov. 30: early acceptance, submission of AUB applications b. Dec. 7: last chance for SAT exam taking for AUB c. Dec. 20: regular acceptance, submission of AUB applications d. Dec. 30: early acceptance, submission of LAU applications e. June 7: last chance for SAT exam taking for LAU f. May 30: regular acceptance, submission of LAU applications 2. CAS Deadline: Completion of work on May 31 st, 2014
Admission to AUB
For Sophomore level : SAT I + School transcript of record for grades 10 & 11 THE COMPOSITE SCORE (CS) and how it is generated by the above mentioned university Composite Score = 50% SAT I + 50% school grades = (Critical reading + mathematical reasoning) + Grade 10 + grade 11 For Freshman level: admission same as above, in addition to a personal statement and recommendations from teachers and counselor. For equivalency with Lebanese Bacc, SAT II is required
Parental Support highly needed Upcoming Winter break in December= Completion of assignments = Meeting deadlines= Less pressure during the second semester= Better IC/IB results