What Are Street Children?What Are Street Children? Complex definition Not necessarily homeless Many sources of street children
Facts about Street ChildrenFacts about Street Children Latin America and beyond Poor backgrounds Racial minorities Wide age ranges Health risks
Daily LivesDaily Lives Begging, prostitution, and drugs Family connections Domiciled vs. homeless
Causes: PovertyCauses: Poverty Abandonment Education and health Institutions
Causes: ViolenceCauses: Violence Homicide Rape Death
Outcomes: Organ TradeOutcomes: Organ Trade Targeted Children Silence in developed countries
Outcomes: GangsOutcomes: Gangs Urban gangs Recruitment Death and violence
Government ResponsesGovernment Responses Street schools Healthcare Law enforcement
NGO ResponseNGO Response Homes Health and education
Questions What is the definition of street children, and what are examples of them? What risks and lifestyles pervade street children’s daily existences? How do gangs recruit street children as members?