Agenda: please have name tent on desk-student planner Complete and look at text book activity Communication in science activity- continue and check answers microglossoscientificverbasect activity Homework: 1. Notebook by Friday July 27 Handouts: roots, prefixes and suffixes handout Wed/Thurs July25/26
Biology Book/Class Tour 5 minutes to finish questions Review and make sure Questions 6, 17, essay are complete Text book are available to check out in book store
3 Necessary Materials for the Science Notebook- DUE FRIDAY All students will be REQUIRED to create, maintain & participate in an Interactive Science Notebook –They will be graded periodically –Students may use them as a resource while taking Exams Materials Needed: –1 folder/quarter (TOTAL for year = 4) with brads/prongs in the center –Loose leaf paper (at least 60 sheets/semester) –Pens/pencils –Optional: Personal mini-stapler & staples Container to hold items Colored pencils
4 Schoolwires Demo Every year, we rely more & more on technology & the internet! School is no different! I will ask you to go to Schoolwires to print off handouts/notes & access all kinds of information! You can also see what you’ve missed if you are absent…so there are NO EXCUSES!!!
Please write down this information (not the answers to them) on a piece of paper!!! A 1 Page Essay/letter, will be due FRIDAY AUGUST 3rd Name, Origin, Ethnicity Parents/Guardian name and occupations Siblings that attend or attended CHS Future job choice and why Who were your teachers and subjects for 9 th (10 th grade) ? Any hobbies or interests Sports, extra-curricular activities or groups you want to join/are involved with at CHS What a teacher can do to help me out. Do you have a job and where is it!
What To Do When You Get to Class… 1. Have a seat before bell rings 2. Warm-up 3. I ask for approximately 10 minutes in beginning of class 4. Pick up ALL papers where designated
7 Final Exam Exemption Incentive Policy 4 or less absences (ALL ABSENCES – unexcused, excused, sweeps – except school field trips & on-campus) & 75% or higher grade = option NOT to take Final Exam!!! You MUST be present on Final Exam day, even if exempt, or you will receive a “0” on the Final Exam 1 tardy (sweep) = 1 absence You NEED to EARN this privilege & reward!
Evacuation & Lockdown Procedures Evacuation (Fire Drill): –Leave binders, notebook, materials; take purses & backpacks –Walk QUIETLY out the front door, through the West double doors, down the stairs to the Teacher Parking Lot –Stay TOGETHER there until “All Clear” Lockdown: –I will lock all the doors, turn lights off & put up a GREEN sign in the front door window –Students will move to the back of class area away from doors. –NO TALKING!!!
Puzzle Activities Complete puzzles Check answers
10 Microglossoscientificverbasect activity science has many words that are HUGE and difficult to understand. many times if the word is broken down into parts it is easier to understand was the meaning of the word is. Must be Living!! In this activity: –from handout choose a minimum of 4 words to link together to create a new word –on the white paper write the word the meaning of the word and draw a picture that represents the word picture must have a minimum of 4 colors 27 stop