American Nuclear Society Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Emory Collins June 7, 2006 Reno, DC
Fuel Cycle Waste Management (FCWM) Mission Like ANS, the mission of FCWM is “the advancement of science and engineering relating to the atomic nucleus, and of allied sciences and arts." Specifically FCWM deals with all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle including mining, enrichment, fuel fabrication, fuel design, reprocessing, storage, geologic repositories, waste processing, waste form testing, advanced fuel cycle evaluations, fissile material management, and national fuel cycle policies. We are also home division for the Special Committee for Nuclear Nonproliferation.
FCWM Executive Committee Chair: Emory Collins Vice Chair: Robert W. Benedict Secretary/Treasurer: Stephen L. Turner Members:Robert W. Benedict (2008) Jeff Brault (2007) Stephen Turner (2007) James Bresee (2008) Guillermo DelCul (2009) Thomas Hirons (2008) Terry Todd (2009) Elmer Wilhite (2008) Emory Collins (2007) Dominique Greneche (2007) Alan Pasternak (2009) Past Chair:Ruth Weiner Staff Liaison:Sharon S. Kerrick Board Liaison:Nick Tsoulfanidis Ex Officio:Donald R. Hoffman
FCWM Governance Strategic plan prepared and approved in Plan currently under annual revision by Vice-Chair. Succession planning formally established. Program Vice Chair Program Chair Secretary/ Treasurer Vice Chair
FCWM Membership Trend
FCWM Budget Since 1997, FCWM funds have increased from less than $60k to $109k in We have gotten better in using our financial resources to support the Society. Last year we reendowed the Randall Scholarship. We provide consistent support for scholarship, students, and the Society. –$1000 for NEED –$2500 for student travel and $1000 for scholarship winner –$2500 for student conferences –$5000 for teacher workshop in 2004 –$3500 for Radwaste Solutions Starting funds are approximately $109k in 2005.
FCWM Contributions to ANS FCWM has completed two position papers. –Reprocessing –Low-level waste disposal FCWM has contributed to the following position papers. –EPA standard for the HLW repository –Yucca Mountain FCWM Members are active in ANS Leadership. –Jim Tulenko (2004–2005 ANS President) –Harold McFarlane (2006–2007 ANS President) –TPC from Winter 2003 –TPC for Summer 2006 FCWM provides annual direct financial support for Radwaste Solutions.
FCWM Contributions to ANS FCWM has an ongoing collaboration with the Reprocessing and Recycle Technology Division (RRTD) of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ). FCWM and RRTD are trying to increase international cooperation on the nuclear fuel cycle.
FCWM Services to Membership FCWM continues to provide assistance to professional engineering exam workshops. FCWM annually awards the Randal scholarship. FCWM annually contributes to NEED ($1000) FCWM annually contributes to student conferences and student travel to ANS Meetings ($2500 to each). FCWM contributed to International Young Nuclear Engineers Conference. FCWM regularly supports Fellow nominations and other award nominations. –Emory Collins received the Glenn T. Seaborg Actinide Separations Award in 2004 and Terry Todd received the award in 2005.
FCWM Technical Meetings FCWM has always supported both ANS national meetings. FCWM has a number of regular topical meetings. –Global 2007 in Boise, Idaho (September 2007) –International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference (May 2006) –International Conference on LWR Fuel Performance “Top Fuel” (w/MSD) 2005 in Japan, October 2006 in Spain, 2007 in U.S.A. –Spectrum Series to be combined with DD&R and/or HLMW meeting –DOE Spent Nuclear Fuel and Fissile Material Management (to be an embedded topical at a future ANS meeting) FCWM was also the sponsor for the America’s Nuclear Energy Symposium.
Professional Division Metrics / Measures of Division Vitality FCWM Vitality Measures – CY 2005
Summary FCWM metrics are favorable. –Most items are green. FCWM successes include –Support of technical meetings –Continued membership growth –Support financially for students and Society FCWM focus is on –Good technical meetings –Support of members and continued growth