1 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL State of AstroGrid Meeting Goals News and updates Scorecard Prognosis
3 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL Meeting Goals take stock complete cycle-4 plan understand our place in Europe three quarters of the way through AstroGrid halfway through AstroGrid is it working ?
News and updates
5 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL AstroGrid System released NAM demo and talk session a success Technical workshop Edinburgh Science workshops Sussex, Imperial, Durham Over 300 registered users New staff - Gilchrist, Holliman, Gray Departure - Smith Presentations to AAP, PPARC office Good response to tools call
6 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL Europe VOTECH DSRP Sorrento PLASTIC a Euro-success building on AstroGrid infrastructure DCA funded First VO-SAC meeting in Garching Euro-VO MOU nearly signed...again.. ESO and ESA clearly backing VO Quinn left : new appointment crucial...
7 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL World IVOA Victoria May 2006 key advances in Registry, ADQL, VOSpace, VOEvent Prague VO conference Aug people have registered !!! NVO operations proposal NSF AO still awaited...
8 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL External liaison JVO-AstroGrid visits to Cambridge and Tokyo RVO workshop : running AstroGrid SAAO : installing AstroGrid soon
AstroGrid scorecard
10 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL Scorecard Cycle-3 goalcheck VOTECH goalcheck Lifetime goalcheck
C3-01 UWS standard and first prototype 50% C3-02 Query Builder and Workflow Builder for Workbench 100% C3-03 VOTECH Infrastructure Study Report (VOTECH) 20% C3-04 Single Sign-on for VO services 50% C3-05 UKIDSS Full Access 10% C3-06 Personalised tools Call-1 100% C3-07 Define new "Science Themes" 50% C3-08 Science Framework Document (VOTECH) 20% C3-09 AstroScope upgrades (SSAP, SLAP) 70% C3-10 Developer workshop(s) 100% C3-11 Science workshop(s) 100% C3-12 Set VOTECH Stage-3 goals 100% C3-13 Deployment Release AGV % C3-14 Demos at NAM and MIST 100% C3-15 AGSAG submission of papers to IAU 50% C3-17 Demonstration of large data volume problem (VOTECH) 50% C3-16 Complete integration of contextual documentation 20% C3-18 Refurbished web pages 20% C3 deliverables
Xm = month since Apr 2005 ==> June 2006 = 15m DS1-01Project website (6m) DONE DS2-01Project Plan (1m)DONE DS2-03Science (Functionality) Framework Document (6m)LATE DS2-04aFirst Baseline software release (12m)DONE DS3-01Infrastructure Study Report (15m)DUE NOW DS2-02Revised Project Plan (18)DUE SEP DS6-01Data Exploration Study Report (21m)DUE DEC VOTECH deliverables
13 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL eightfold path (1-4) develop standards for data, metadata, data exchange and provenance good progress : but hard slow work develop a software infrastructure for data services three quarters done : community, single sign on establish a physical grid of resources minimal start : next big challenge construct and maintain a Service and Resource Registry done but getting better
14 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL implement a working VO system of real scientific use to astronomers on track but not done yet provide a user interface to that VO system ditto provide or adapt a set of science user tools to work with the VO tools writing : officially abandoned due to lack of resource infrastructure for tools : strong success establish a leading position for the UK in VO work done but there are issues : how will Euro-VO develop ? UK deployment vs global marketing eightfold path (5-8)
16 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL AstroGrid history Proposal2001 AG1 Phase-A2002 design study AG1 Phase-B £3.7M7 instns infrastructure build AG £4.0M11 instns initial deployment first users continued build Life after AstroGrid ? ?new project deploy mature product in data centres develop next wave of technology
17 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL New project Proposal by July 13 PPRP review Sept 4-6 Science Comittee decision Feb 2007 New money poss ~Oct 2007 A : deploying AG infrastructure B : developing new technology poss size : anything from zero to current
18 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL implementation choices in UK (1) DC free market (2) Feed ESO+ESA (3) UK DC Alliance (4) UK "Virtual Data Centre" (1) is long term worldwide view (3) is best for UK astronomers : we choose to offer combined coherent service same consortium develops next wave technology (2) can be pursued in parallel
who does what OPERATIONS DEVELOPMENT collect datanew kitFACILITIES run data servicesnew archivesDATA CENTRES (access, query, analysis) run glue servicesstandardsNEW PROJECT (registry, myspace, job executn etc) new inf. compts deliver VO-apps core tools new specific toolsGRANTS
20 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL Proof of Pudding Its clever. It works. Its world leading. We are very proud of it. but Will people use it ?
21 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL Usability progress : little to show concentrating on backend infrastructure registry, myspace, workflow, authentication correct decision in retrospect 2005 : first working systemalpha application integration (ACR, PLASTIC) 2006 : usable but not the daily choice beta 300 one-off users hundreds of resources but nobody uses every day after a workshop 2007 : normal life ?product
22 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL what is obstacle to adoption ? Users don't know about it ? Complexity ? Ergonomic immaturity ? Lack of tools ? Lack of data services ? Poor robustness and speed ?... not needed to do the science ?
23 19-Jun-2006Andy Lawrence : AstroGrid Consortium Meeting, RAL The VO comes of age First VO exam paper Edinburgh e-Science MSc May 2006 Famous astronomers and engineers take the paper in relaxed circumstances...