Hurricanes What can be done ? Remember to contrast MEDC & LEDC responses
Remember Prediction Prediction Planning Planning Protection Protection
Prediction The time is predictable – towards the end of the summer when the oceans have gained maximum energy The time is predictable – towards the end of the summer when the oceans have gained maximum energy Place – in the tropical oceans Place – in the tropical oceans However exact time, position & track they take is not predictable. However exact time, position & track they take is not predictable.
Prediction (continued) In USA its very high tec In USA its very high tec The National Hurricane Centre (nationally funded) tracks every hurricane from start to finish via satellite and radar. The National Hurricane Centre (nationally funded) tracks every hurricane from start to finish via satellite and radar. Hourly bulletins are posted Hourly bulletins are posted Weather planes fly through the hurricanes and record its characteristics Weather planes fly through the hurricanes and record its characteristics Clear emergency plans are in place and widely publicised – schools, homes etc Clear emergency plans are in place and widely publicised – schools, homes etc Help lines, internet sites, TV & radio are all used for advise & warning. Help lines, internet sites, TV & radio are all used for advise & warning.
Prediction In ELDCs prediction is far less developed – less money, less technology. Many small islands are often remote & difficult to communicate with. In ELDCs prediction is far less developed – less money, less technology. Many small islands are often remote & difficult to communicate with. Difficult to issue warnings to everyone. Difficult to issue warnings to everyone.
Planning - MEDC Clear emergency procedures in place Clear emergency procedures in place Emergency services, national guard etc all part of the process Emergency services, national guard etc all part of the process Clear early warnings to all populace Clear early warnings to all populace Regular updates to public Regular updates to public Evacuation plans in place – go to stay with friends/relatives Evacuation plans in place – go to stay with friends/relatives
Protection Research into seeding etc – making it rain Research into seeding etc – making it rain Strengthening homes, strict building regs – not in LEDCs Strengthening homes, strict building regs – not in LEDCs Hurricane shelters, evacuation points – safe buildings to withstand winds & floods Hurricane shelters, evacuation points – safe buildings to withstand winds & floods