Resource Efficient Development Geos Neighborhood Developer: Norbert Klebl Feb 19, 2010
Buildings consume: 39% of total energy 71% of electricity 53% of natural gas (primary) Why Are We Interested in Low Energy Homes? -2- Market
-3- Germany By 2007 more than 10,000 Passive Houses built in Europe
-4- Geos Neighborhood Gilligan Family LP Property Croke Canal 69 th Ave. Indiana Street Master Plan
Geos Incorporates Multiple Home Types for a Diversity of Needs Home TypesHome Sizes Row Homes1,100 – 1,800sf Single Family1,800 – 2,000sf Paired Homes1,600 – 1,800sf Live/Work Units1,600 – 2,000sf Condominiums600 – 1,600sf Co-Housing800 – 1,600sf Vision -5-
Decentralized Detention Low Impact Development -6-
Public Landscapes: Street Tree Rain Gardens
Comparative development patterns in Highland neighborhood (urban Denver) Optimizing density with solar access designed (required) for entire neighborhood and individual lots Utilizing unique features of Colorado’s climate Taking advantage of 300 sunny days per year: open homes for winter sun, shade against summer heat Passive solar: optimal orientation created with master plan Technology -8-
High performance shell – high insulation, low infiltration Heat Recovery Ventilator – fresh air intake and energy conservation Passive solar orientation – sun is primary source of conditioning heat Solar thermal collectors – for domestic hot water and back-up conditioning heat Solar photovoltaic – achieves net zero energy goal Geos Utilizes Demonstrated and Cost-Effective Designs Technology -9-
5 kW photovoltaic R-50 roof R-22 ICF basement walls R-5 tuned fiberglass windows R-30 walls Less than 1 Air Change per 20 Hours ( < 0.05 NACH) Energy Model: 1,700sf Paired Home Technology -10-
Geo-Assisted Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) System Provides constant filtered fresh air Temperature equalization in all rooms Heating/cooling distribution Low maintenance Very low noise Technology -11-
A -12- Technology
Annual Heat Loss Through the Building Envelope -13- Technology
Passive Solar 30% High Performance Shell 40% HRV - 10% Ground Source Heat Pump 20% Total Reduction 100% Natural Gas 1,000 Therms = $1,150 Earth Loop Cooling & Building Shell - 15% Energy Star Appliances - 5% Monitoring - 5% Photovoltaic Solar Offset 65% Total Reduction 100% Electricity 8,000 kWh = $1,250 Goes Objective: Build Net Zero Energy Homes... Now! Energy Consumption Reduction Efficient Lighting 10% Technology -14-
$45,000 incremental improvements $285 incremental monthly mortgage $200 saved energy costs $85 tax savings = Incremental monthly cash flows of Geos improvements GEOS Design: Net-Zero Energy Homes That Are Cash Flow Neutral Reduced utility payments offset increased mortgage costs Economics -15-
Economics -16-