Our Lady & St Benedict Catholic Academy Please feel free to investigate the different ways we have been getting Physically Active!
Of our KS2 pupils maintained or improved their level of fitness!! We now have fitness data for all pupils in our School!
Date of 1 st Bleep Test: 14/04/2014Date of 2 st Bleep Test: 09/04/2015 Next Bleep Test due : April 2016 KS2Current Y4Current Y5Current Y6 improved % (33)7103 maintained %81315 regressed46.66% (7) % IMPROVED A CLASSIFICATION 60% MAINTAINED CLASSIFICATION 7% REGRESSED A CLASSIFICATION
Every year our teachers evaluate our experiences of P.E. ‘Green’ statements show where our School is doing well, ‘Red’ shows where we are trying to get better! Statements classified as ‘Green’ Statements classified as ‘Amber’ Statements classified as ‘Red’ OLSB (09/2013) OLSB (09/2014)
Red 1: Rigorous monitoring and evaluation takes place. Red 2: Almost every pupil can swim at least 25 metres before the end of Year 6 and knows how to remain safe in and around water. Red 3: Sound subject knowledge ensures pupils are shown the step-by- step stages needed to acquire new skills, and how to apply the skills in different activities and situations (effective transfer of skills). Red 4: A wide range of equipment and resources, including computers and video technology is used regularly and effectively to enhance learning. Red 5: Pupils’ progress is systematically checked throughout both key stages (unless Infant or Junior school). Red 6: Competitive school sport is played to level 2 on a regular basis and pupils have the opportunity to access level 3 activities through the School Games. Red 7: Assessment of pupil’s progress is used to raise pupils’ achievement in PE. Please turn over to find out how we are doing it!
Action Plan response: All Staff benefit from some form of P.E based training (CPD) throughout the academic year – teachers work with the Collegiate P.E Specialist on a one-to- one basis with their class. CPD staff meetings are provided by C. Sigley – these focus on how to raise the standard of P.E delivery in OLSB (Differentiation techniques, new activities, effective use of new planning & assessment system) Pupils who are Gifted and Talented in P.E are to be highlighted (‘Sports Stars’) and given opportunity to compete against other G&T children 7 extend learning further. Children who require extra support have been highlighted through the completion of fitness tests – interventions have been put into place to help these children become healthier! Individual assessment folders with key information on attainment and learning requirements are now available for each class – all outside providers now use the Collegiate’s system.
Action Plan response: Years 3 – 6 now attend 10 swimming sessions a year Swimming sessions are attended by teaching staff as well as trained instructors to maximise learning when in the pool. Certificates are awarded annually by the PE lead (Ms. Gater)
Action Plan response: All Staff within the School have access to the Collegiate P.E planning, this is used to bridge gaps in subject knowledge. As a result teachers are becoming increasingly confident when teaching P.E and pupils benefit from appropriate coverage of the P.E curriculum. The P.E Lead and Head-teacher monitor the delivery of P.E from external organisations to ensure it meets the standard expected.
Action Plan response: The School has recently received an order containing new equipment, this will broaden the curriculum as pupils can access new activities. Staff receive CPD with the Collegiate P.E Specialist to ensure they are aware of how to new activities correctly. Staff are also beginning to use computer/video technology as a tool to accelerate learning – this process is ongoing.
Action Plan response: Individual class folders are used for PE lead to access when needed – Monitoring of which to be carried out termly. New assessment system is now in place, staff awareness and knowledge of the new system has been developed through CPD with P.E Specialist. PE Coordinator to liaise with staff ensuring they are using the new assessment system effectively. New assessment system now has colour coded data for each term; this makes it easy to identify exactly when a child has made progress, rather than just the progress they have made. Fitness testing of year 1- 6 and analysed year on year
Action Plan response: Children in Key stage 2 are to continue taking part in town and city athletic events – P.E Co-ordinator is in the process of planning ways of entering more competitions next year. To encourage key stage 1 have access to competitive games ‘Sports Stars’ – gifted and talented inter collegiate SCFC 21/05/2015 ‘Challenge of Month’ RUNS IN School every month – all children across the collegiate compete in the same challenge and submit results. March = The Plank Challenge, April/May = Co-ordination test
Action Plan response: New assessment system is now in place, staff awareness and knowledge of the new system has been developed through CPD with Craig Sigley. Higher ability and lower ability children have been identified in each year group (a task made significantly easier with new assessment system), based on compiled assessment data. This has enabled lessons to be differentiated effectively. Children will undergo a second bleep test so as to provide comparative data; can compare results to those of previous bleep test to identify progress made.
Jack (Y5) – “P.E is great, I really enjoy being competitive and very active” Olivia (Y4) – “I like learning all of the new rules & skills!” Taylor Jay (Y1) – “I get really out of breath! – it’s fun though!”
PRE-FUNDING 2012/13: 1 ST YEAR OF FUNDING 2013/14 AutumnSpringSummer Key stage 1 sports festival Stoke city Y5/6 mixed Northwood Athletics town Athletics city City Field events AutumnSpringSummer Athletics
As of March 2015: completed - 2 more planned - 3
CLUBS IN 2013/14CLUBS IN 2014/15 Autumn 1 – Football, Park Our Autumn 2 – Football Spring 1 – Gymnastics Spring 2 –Archery, Bee Active multi- skills, Bee active sports leaders Summer 1 – Cricket, Bee Active multi-skills, Bee active sports leaders Summer 2 – Bee Active multi-skills, Bee active sports leaders 12! Autumn 1 – Football Autumn 2 – Spring 1 – Gymnastics Spring 2 – Summer 1 – Fencing, Athletics Summer 2 – 4
So far in 2014/15 (March 2015): 44.97% of pupils have attended a Sports Club. 44.68% of Boys have attended a Sports Club. 45.26% of Girls have attended a Sports Club. 42.17% of Pupil Premium registered pupils have attended a Sports Clubs = We want to increase all of these % by at least 5% by the end of 2014/15!
‘ Bee Active Bears’ The ‘Bee Active Bears’ club is full of children who are just starting to get active! They chose the name of the club and are enjoying getting fitter and stronger with Bee Active ! ‘Sports Stars’ Our ‘Sports Stars’ are a group of pupils who have shown an extra exciting level of potential! This group works hard to get even better at clubs and Special events through the Collegiate. Remember these faces!