Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service
Today is Monday, October 27 Day 2
Monday, October 27 2:45 pm Room J101 We will finalize the competition events.
College Visits Today we welcome Skidmore College Hobart & William Smith College Today we welcome Skidmore College Hobart & William Smith College
OC Gear Day There will be a free OC Gear Dress Down Day Tuesday October 28 th, tomorrow. All students are welcome to sport their favorite Oakland tshirt, sweatshirt or sweatpants. However, you must be wearing one main article of clothing that is Oakland. Please no college sweatshirts or a plain maroon headband. We want to see your school spirit!
Student Council Meeting There will be a student council meeting Tuesday October 28 th in Ms. Hudock’s room! Please be there right at 2:40 so we can get started.
Powderpuff T-shirts All Powderpuff T-shirts can be picked up during lunches today. You must have paid your $10 in order to receive your shirt.
Powderpuff Date Change Attention all: The date for the Powderpuff flag football game between the juniors and seniors has been changed from this Thursday, October 23 rd, to Saturday, November 1 st. It will be at 2 o’clock at Central’s field. All proceeds will go toward Guatemala! All are welcome to attend.
The new Swim Coach, Merci McCarthy will be at all lunch periods Monday Oct. 27 to sign up anyone interested in joining the swim team. Please come by the table and welcome back Merci. Go Eagles!!
On October 30th, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Club will be meeting after school in Ms. Day's room. This week's meeting will be halloween-themed!
Homeroom Leader Representatives will meet during lunch periods on Tuesday in G10. Check the Campus Ministry board for the list of Homeroom Leader Reps. Homeroom Leader Representatives will meet during lunch periods on Tuesday in G10. Check the Campus Ministry board for the list of Homeroom Leader Reps.
Do you know someone who is suffering, and you want to pray for them in a concrete way? Light a candle for them in the Chapel.
Kairos 26 Applications are out! Pick up an application from your Religion Teacher, Dorrie, or Ms. Farrell.
Tennis and Cross Country Team Pictures will be taken after school on Tues. Oct. 28 in the Donahue Pavilion. Please bring your uniform. Tennis Team – Please bring your racquet.
Student Ambassadors You will have brief meetings for important Open House Day information after homeroom on the following dates by your grade level in the Lecture Hall. Sophomores will meet after homeroom on Tuesday, October 28th in the Lecture Hall. Juniors will meet after homeroom on Thursday, October 30th in the Lecture Hall. Seniors will meet after homeroom on Tuesday, November 4th in the Lecture Hall. Also, all student ambassadors, please remember to sign up for Open House Day on the sign up sheet posted on Mrs. Fratto's door, room 201.
Those students interested in playing freshman basketball please come to the, Freshman Basketball open gyms, they will be held on Tues. Nov. 4 and Wed. Nov. 5 from 3-4:30pm in the Donahue Pavilion. Go Eagles!
Italy, Sicily, and Greece Trip June 15-25, Rome – Palermo – Agrigento – Taormina - - Patras - Delphi - Athens - Interested? See Ms. Day in room 213 for more information! Sign Up Deadline: October 31st
Anyone trying out for a winter sport must have the 10 page PIAA sports physical forms completed by Nov. 17. All forms are found on the Oakland Catholic Website under Athletics then click on Sports Medicine and scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will find them. Please turn into Mrs. Bielich or Melissa Galvin the Trainer before Nov. 17. If not turned in or brought in on the 17th you will be unable to participate or tryout until they are completed.
Sports Team Captains The captains or representatives from each sport, Fall, Winter & Spring, must see Mrs. Haslett sometime this week We will be making videos for Open House Mrs. Haslett will be in J101 or the computer lab