David Copeland Grand Canyon University TEC546 – Assessment & Technology Module 5: Collaborative Learning Community: Student Reflective Assessment: Part 1 September 21, 2011 Online Exams
What is an Assessment? Assessment - the use of a variety of procedures to collect information about learning and instruction. (Johnson and Jenkins)
What is a Summative Assessment? Summative Assessment - an assessment of learning, in which the focus is on determining what the student has learned at the end of a unit of instruction or at the end of a grade level (e.g., through grade-level, standardized assessments). (Johnson and Jenkins)
Online Exams are generally web based, but online exam software or downloads can be available for a computer based assessment. An instructor can use a quiz making website and create an exam based on the formats and features offered. Example: Wondershare Online Quiz/Survey Assessment System Online Exams’ Accessibility
Features: Exams in Flash Based Format Exams can be Published Online Results can be Revealed Capable of Managing Assessment/Learning Resources/Courses Online Features of Online Exams
The pricing of online exams ranges from $0 to thousands of dollars. It depends on the particular website or the computer program software. - The next slide will provide an example of how an online exam pricing system could be broken down. –These are the pricing figures to the online quiz developing site. Online Exam Pricing
Number of Students Cost/Year QuizCreator: Single User License Online QMS: Not more than 20 students Not more than 20 students $99/year Not more than 50 student $199/year Not more than 200 students $299/year $ Online QMS(1 year) & QuizCreator Not more than 500 students $599/year Unlimited Students$999/year
The results of the online exams are detailed and instant. Having the results will allow teachers to shape their instruction to review any need concepts or advance to new ones. Online Exams’ Instructional Role
- Different formats of exams can be made to assist the different learning needs. Some examples include multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, sequencing, word bank, click map, Likert scale, and short essay. - Learning styles can also be accommodated with images and sounds. - Time limits can be adjusted to cater to the different learning needs. - Exam questions have the ability to branch out to different sections based on the responses of the students. Online Exams and Differentiation
y/subject/di_meeting.phtml ng-style/ ions/Web_Exclusive/Formative_Summative _Assessment.pdf ions/Web_Exclusive/Formative_Summative _Assessment.pdf
Johnson, E., & Jenkins, J. (2009). Formative and summative assessment. Retrieved from ormative-and-summative-assessment/