At the beginning of the 70, the Club of San Diego's Athletics began to practise the triathlón as method of training in athletics: ten km from race, eight km from cycling and five hundred meters of swimming In Spain it began in Castro Urdíales in 1968), the triathlon began in the decade of the seventies, a group of American military men invented the Ironman in Hawaii. It tries great bottom that still today is celebrated: Three thousand eight hundred meters to I swim, hundred eighty kilometres in bicycle and to marathon (forty two eat hundred ninety and five kilometres).
In 1989 there was founded the ITU (Triatlón's International Union) on Avignon's French locality and there were disputed the first official Championships of the World. It was found that the Olympian distance out of 1,5 km from swimming, 40 km from cycling and 10 km from race. Nowadays there are more than 100 national federations affiliated to the ITU, between them the FETRI, which possesses more than licenses. In Spain we possess two great triathletes Iván Raña and Javier Gómez Noya both champions of the world
The swimming is the first sport that the triathlon composes The modalities more importants are: the half distance (1,9 Km) and the long distance (3,8 Km).
The use of the suit of neoprene can be obligatory, allowed or prohibited depends the temperature of the water and the distance of the race. If the temperature of the water is lower than 13 ºC, it will not be possible celebrate the race. The thickness of the neoprene will not be able to overcome 5 mm. They will be descalificated who they do not fulfill these procedure.
After the swim segment takes place the cycling stage.. This segment consists of a certain number of laps on a closed circuit to cover a distance of 40 km. In this segment the triathletes cannot receive external help of any type (breakdowns, communications, etc). The triathlete must get off the bicycle before the transition area entry line in the bike-to-run transition.
Triathlon bicycles are generally optimized for aerodynamics, having special handlebars called aero-bars or tri-bars, aerodynamic wheels and other components. The cycling segment is the longest of the three. During this segment the triathletes go in group and take advantage of this situation to eat and get energy for the last segment. All the triathletes must use the helmet.
BASIC RULES: In competitions where the segment foot race is a circuit with several laps, sportsman is the responsibility of leading the laps counted and know the distance that lies ahead. The athlete has the responsibility of picking up the lap counter system provided by the organization (bracelets, beads, etc).
Distances depend on the age of the participants. The original distance triatlhon's race, which is used in the Ironman, has 42 km which is the same distance traveled in a marathon. But that distance is often commonly shortened the Olympic distance (10 km) and Sprint (5 km). The dorsal is marked on the arm and leg.