WELCOME TO MR. KROISS’ CLASS My name is Mr. Kroiss (kr-oi-ss) or you can just call me Mr. K. I will be your History Teacher this year.
IN THIS CLASS We Follow the Eagle Way Respect Responsibility Effort Kindness Honest Following the Eagle Way will make this classroom a safe place to learn. NO ELECTONICS —Phones, IPods, etc… Headphones need to be OFF of your head.
IN THIS CLASS RESPECT Important notes about how this class will run Respect ALL people: Fellow students in and out of the classroom Me, the teacher, as well as all other faculty Respect ideas: I do not want to hear about anything being stupid You do not have to like or agree with any ideas presented in my class, but you do have to respect them. This includes both ideas I present, as well as student ideas Homework is generally due on Friday- BEGINNING OF CLASS Tests are generally on Friday-There may be some exceptions. Daily entry tasks will be marked on the board and need to be started upon the bell and are due on Friday. These are always individual tasks and the room should be QUIET—Unless otherwise posted.
EXPECTATIONS What I expect of you: Get yourselves going at the beginning of class. Do what your asked to do, when your asked to do it! Be prepared to work If you don’t have what you need, get it before class starts. If you have a situation, come to me, don’t wait for me to come to you. Don’t wonder the room. Stay in your seat. Control the Noise and DO NOT talk when I am. Wait at your seat for the bell--Do not gather by the door
What you should expect from me I will be prepare everyday I will grade your work in a timely fashion I will listen to you and take your concerns seriously I will be fair Expectations
THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT ME I am Sarcastic I use the Socratic method(I will answer questions with questions) Cold Calling I expect a lot from you(that means everyone) I DO NOT buy into “I can’t do it”. I DO NOT tolerate HORSE PLAY or Defiance. NOWHINING I want to have fun and I will go out of my way to help you learn.
OTHER NOTES ABOUT THE CLASS There will be administrators and teachers walking through and possibly joining the class randomly. Everyone will be required to make presentations—In groups and Individuals
CLASS ACTIVITIES Look around the room and you will see a few of the activities we will be doing. We do a lot of small group activities Participation is 20% of your grade Posters, Organizers, Power Points, Videos, Story Boards, Cartoon Strips DBQs—Document Based Questioning WWI CBA Essay
SUPPLIES Daily: 1 spiral notebook for daily entry tasks Spiral notebook or binder with paper, folders, and writing utensils You will need to be able to save papers for future reference Other: 8x5 Index cards Highlighters, black felt pens(narrow), and colored pencils
ABOUT ME Education AA at Art Institute of Seattle in Multimedia Undergrad at UW Major in History Minor in Geography Masters in Teaching at UPS Interests Most anything that gets me outside. I like to work out several times a week I try and swim at 4000 meters 2 a week. Football is my favorite sport but I love sports.
MORE ABOUT ME I grew up 70 miles north of Spokane In High School I thought I want to be a forester or a Diesel Mechanic 2 Daughters Maywood Middle School Liberty High School