Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy & Environment) DRAFT DECK Current issues Potential challenges and Opportunities Hon. Katherine Hammack Assistant Secretary of the Army Installations, Energy & Environment 6 August 2012 Association of Defense Communities
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy & Environment) BRAC and Overseas Infrastructure DoD requested additional BRAC authority in 2013 and 2015; Congress did not authorize Cuts in Army force structure must be accompanied by cuts in supporting infrastructure Prior Rounds of BRAC: Cold War ended; declining force structure 2005 BRAC Round: protracted war; increased force structure Army BRAC 2005 synchronized multiple initiatives (Returning overseas units, Army Transformation, Operational Guard/Reserve) Prior BRAC rounds are better predictor of future than 2005 Reducing overseas footprint: the Army is listening to Congress ○ Europe: Army to close 23 sites and 21,000 acres in next 4 yrs ○ Korea: Army to close 20 sites and 9,400 acres in next 4 yrs
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy & Environment) BRAC Property Conveyance As of: 19 July Only 24% of All Excess BRAC Acres Remain Army BRAC has conveyed 212K acres (76%): -Legacy BRAC rounds: 85% conveyed (31K acres remain) -BRAC 2005: 47% conveyed (37K acres remain) Current projection: 100% conveyed by 2021 Total Acres
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy & Environment) Soldier Basing Vehicles Installation Tactical Non Tactical Contingency Army Power and Energy Framework Operational Energy Installation Energy Net Zero Installations Contingency Basing Smart & Green Energy Mini Grid Power Plants Adv. Mobile Medium Power Sources Insulated Tents/Spray Foam Renewable Energy Program Plan ARNG Energy Lab (Schools) LED & Electroluminescent Lighting Shower Water Reuse System Expeditionary Water Packaging Water From Air System System Integration Lab - Ft Devens Solar, Wind, Geothermal Power Rucksack Enhanced Portable Power Expeditionary Energy Soldier Power Manager Nett Warrior Tactical Fuels Manager Defense Smart-Charging Micro Grids Vehicle-to-Grid (Fort Carson, CO) Alternative Fuels Low Speed Electric Vehicles Hybrid Electric Vehicles Hybrid Truck Users Forum (TARDEC) Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles Improved Turbine Engine Program Army Energy Security Initiatives Energy Initiatives Task Force Senior Energy & Sustainability Council OSD Operational Energy Strategy Net Zero Strategy 4
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy & Environment) The EITF serves as the central management office for partnering with Army installations to implement cost- effective, large-scale, renewable energy projects, leveraging private sector financing. Solar, Wind, Biomass and Geothermal technologies Projects greater than 10MW Leverage DoD land-use and third-party financing authorities (e.g. EUL, PPA and ESPCs) Army Renewable Energy Projects 5 Energy Initiatives Task Force (EITF) established by the Secretary of the Army on September 15, Army Goal – Deploy 1 GW of Renewable Energy projects - enough to supply about 250,000 homes – by Visit the EITF at Exhibit/Booth #31!