Open data table of hydrodynamic simulations for jet quenching calculations Tetsufumi Hirano Institute of Physics, University of Tokyo Original work: TH, Yasushi Nara Collaborators: Masatsugu Isse, Akira Ohnishi, Koji Yoshino Workshop “Interaction between Hard Probes and The Bulk” in 2006 RHIC & AGS annual users’ meeting
Motivation Important Key RHICImportant Key RHIC –Elliptic flow –Jet quenching –Color Glass Condensate –Particle ratio –Recombination –… My sole question:My sole question: –Are we able to get a consistent picture at RHIC?
…suggest appealing QGP-based picture of RHIC collision evolu- tion, BUT invoke 5 distinct models, each with own ambigu- ities, to get there. pQCD parton E loss The Five Pillars of RHIC Wisdom Ideal hydro Quark recombination constituent q d.o.f. CGC Statistical model Early thermalization + soft EOS Very high inferred initial gluon density Very high anticipated initial gluon density u, d, s equil- ibration near T crit Adapted from T.Hallman
Example 1 Elliptic flow Particle ratio Issue: Conventional ideal hydro could not reproduce particle ratio. Solution: Introduction of chemical freezeout in hydro. Interpretation: Accidental reproduction by ideal hydro. Necessity of dissipation in the hadron phase. TH and M.Gyulassy(’06) N.Arbex et al.(’01), TH and K.Tsuda(’02), D.Teaney(’02) Hydro: P.Huovinen Data: PHENIX PHENIX white paper
Example 2 Elliptic flow Color Glass Condensate Issue: CGC initial conditions were not implemented in hydro. Solution: Introduction of CGC initial conditions in hydro. Interpretation: Larger eccentricity from CGC (talk by Y.Nara) Necessity of dissipation even in the QGP phase! TH and Y.Nara(’04) Hydro: P.Huovinen Data: PHENIX Results: Kharzeev and Levin(’01) Data: PHOBOS Hirano,Heinz,Kharzeev,Lacey,Nara, PLB636(’06)299.
Large Eccentricity from CGC Initial Condition (talk by Y.Nara) x y Pocket formula (ideal hydro): v 2 ~ 0.2 RHIC energies v 2 ~ 0.2 RHIC energies Ollitrault(’92) Hirano and Nara(’04), Hirano et al.(’06) Kuhlman et al.(’06), Drescher et al.(’06)
Do we get a consistent picture also in high p T ? Bjorken scaling solution, is often assumed in most jet quenching calculations. Life time of partonic phase? ( f <5-10 fm/c) Transverse flow/profile? Sharp edge profile is assumed in some high p T elliptic flow calculations. Contradict to low p T v 2.
Violation of N part 2/3 scaling in R AA (N part ) Hirano and Nara (’02) We can interpret the data if we use Bjorken formula. (Manifestation of scaling.) However, in realistic situations, partons are confined into hadrons at some density. Thus, a naive scaling is broken in peripheral regions.
We make our full 3D hydro results open to public! 3D hydro+jet CGC+3D hydro T.H. and Y.Nara (’02-) Not the hydro code itself, but the numerical data table of hydro simulations.
It’s already open!
What is Available? Solution of full 3D hydro simulations: Thermalized Parton density Thermalized Parton density Temperature T (>T c )Temperature T (>T c ) transverse flow (v x,v y )transverse flow (v x,v y ( , x, y, s )
Applying Suggestion: Up to you! Jet quenching Meson Recombination Coalescence Thermal radiation (photon/dilepton) Information along a path Information on surface Information inside medium Baryon
Functions Current version: getrho(tau,x,y,eta): Local parton density gettemp(tau,x,y,eta): Local temperature getvx(tau,x,y,eta): Local v x getvy(tau,x,y,eta): Local v y getInitialPosition(b,tau0,x,y,eta0): Initial parton position with binary collision Initial parton position with binary collisiongetInitialPosition(p0,phi0): Initial parton momentum with power law tail Initial parton momentum with power law tail Next version: getglv1st(tau,x,y,eta,p0): GLV 1 st order getglv1sts(tau,x,y,eta,p0): GLV 1 st order neglecting kinematics GLV 1 st order neglecting kinematics moliere(p0): Elastic scattering angle opacityela(p0,opa): Elastic scattering angle at chi
Updates in Near Future Centrality dependence Rapidity dependence Glauber-BGK modelGlauber-BGK model N part :N coll = 85%:15% N part :N coll = 85%:15% CGC modelCGC model Matching I.C. via e(x,y, ) Matching I.C. via e(x,y, ) T.Hirano et al.(’06)
A Glimpse of Code (1) Density, temperature, and flow at (t,x,y, )
A Glimpse of Code (2) Calculation of energy loss Energy of jet seen from a co-moving fluid element:
Application Example: Hadronization through Jet-Fluid String In Rudy Hwa’s language, this model describes shower-shower, shower-thermal, NOT thermal-thermal. T.Hirano, M.Isse, Y.Nara, A.Ohnishi, K.Yoshino, (in preparation). Space-time evolution of the QGP fluid Open data table String Fragmentation PYTHIA (Lund) Energy loss GLV 1 st order
Comparison btw two mechanisms Lorentz-boosted thermal parton distribution at T=T c hyper surface from hydro simulations
p T distributions 20-30% centrality GLV 1 st order (simplified) formula Effective parton density from hydro Independent fragmentation C= Jet-fluid string C=8.0 Fluctuation of the number of emitted gluon Chemical non-equilibrium in the QGP phase Higher order in opacity expansion Cronin effect … Neglecting many effects Fitting the p T data is our starting point.
v intermediate-high p T v 2 (JFS) ~ 0.1 at b~8 fm without assuming an unrealistic hard sphere 20-30% centrality
High p T v 2 puzzle!? STAR, PRL93,252301(’04)
Mechanism 1 A fluid parton combines with a jet parton and forms a hadronic string in a way that total momentum is conserved. In order to compensate this effect, one needs additional parton energy loss in comparison with independent fragmentation scheme. This enhances v2.
Mechanism 2 Direction of flow ~Perpendicular to surface Direction of jets ~Radial on average Direction of string momentum is tilted to reaction plane in comparison with collinear direction.
Summary We are now in the next stage to understand the RHIC data. ( Can we establish a consistent picture?) Visit our site! /~hirano/parevo/parevo.html Hadronization through jet-fluid strings as an application example of the open data table.
Hydrodynamics in OSCAR AZHYDRO Ver.0.0 (2+1) D hydro Author: P.Kolb BJ_HYDRO Ver.1.1 (1+1)D hydro Author:A.Dumitru, D.H.Rischke Caveat: “No-Go theorem” for hadron EOS in chemical equilibrium Only relevant EOS is “ rapp250.dat ” in AZHYDRO. TH and M.Gyulassy(’06)