Level 1.5 Processing Updates Martin Bates, RAL GIST th December, 2005
Contents Geolocation –optical models for V999 reprocessing –updates for and since Oct 2005 Calibration Processing –fixed gains What else do we need/want for release ? (non- GEO) –confidence flags (QF anomaly) –handling of anomalies (counting data) –ARG duplication ?
Optical Models Square: Cross: Star: very basic: just use col 140 from one TOTAL image at midday Use detector “banana” based on RGP L15G optimal fits Had been been using detector banana derived from lab PSF measurements (+ modelling) Used in V999 reprocessing, and in nrt system from Oct 05 restart
Automated Monitoring Plots Automated shortly after Oct restart Incorporated in eng plots beginning of December Used to spot E/W, N/S bulk shifts in GEO. Crucial if relying on manual interventions to maintain level 1.5 geo quality.
Column Azimuth SOL_SOE → “even” cols shifted wrt “odd” SOL_SOE noisy → column spacing noisy Limb scans in July 2003: columns are evenly spaced
Column spacing (before)
Column Spacing (after) CR-069 (non-parallel mirror): Implemented at Oct 29 start-up CR-070 (SOL_SOE fit): Implemented 14 Nov 11:52 CR-070 not ideal: lose any information on non-uniform column spacing
October 2005 Restart with optical model as for Dec 04 reproc Retuned to match geolocation for Aug 17. On start-up, needed to tune N/S by 0.75 pixels (done 03 Nov).
Calibration Running average gains implemented 20-Jul-2005 (and used in V999 reprocessing). Minor start-up effects seen Oct 2005 –“warm” or “cold” start debate Handling of outliers a potential issue –can be caused by anomalies (see later)
What is missing from processing for release ? Confidence Flags NCR fixes ARG duplication
What is missing from processing for release ? What do we absolutely need for release ? What should we include if we can do it “quickly” What is not important for this release ?
What is missing from processing for release ? Confidence Flags: –0: QF Anomaly –1: Direct Stray Light affecting image –2: Direct Stray Light affecting gains (no gain update) –3: Diffuse Stray Light –4: Stray Light in black body –(5-8: Spare stray light fields) –9: Black body temperature anomaly –10: Detector temperature warning –11: Detector temperature alarm –12: Using cal history for CAL (n/a with running ave. gains) –13: UTC time stamp errors –14: Recent orbit manoeuvre –15: SEVIRI off in last 6 hours –16: Start of Line Jitter –17: Scan Mirror Jitter (SOL_SOE, other TBD). –18: Using out of date TSOL Jitter values
Quartz Filter Anomaly
SOL noise e.g. eclipse 02 Nov 2005
What is missing from processing for release ? Confidence Flags: NCR fixes –Trap counting data (NCR-195) –Distinguish sun-glint from byte-shift data (NCR-164) ARG duplication
Trap Counting Data (NCR-195)
Distinguish sunglint/byteshift data (NCR-164)
What is missing from processing for release ? Confidence Flags NCR fixes (L2) ARG renaming –G2_SEV1_L20L_ _120000_V002.hdf or –G2_SEV1_L20L_ _115325_V001.hdf