Images and Sounds: Audio and Video for Education Joe Wise and Michael Hamilton
Images and Sounds: Applications to Education Instrumentation Platform Image dataAcoustic data Spatial and Temporal Coverage Mobile Nodes Networked Infomechanical Systems (NIMS) Real-time and archived data viewing of time series Image classification and object recognition (supervised and unsupervised) None at this time Both Sensing and Sampling in 3-D using programmed location or virtual control Connected Fixed Nodes Tower Cams Mini-rhizotron Nest Boxes Acoustic Tower Real-time and archived data viewing image classification and object recognition (supervised and unsupervised) Real-time listening and recording (towers and arrays) Sound classification (supervised and unsupervised signal processing) Programmed field of view with pan/tilt/zoom (towers) and X-Y coordinates (AMR) Fixed field of view (nest boxes, moss cam) Sound source localization with actuated imaging Untethered Fixed Nodes Cyclops Acoustic Array Near real-time and archived data viewing image classification and object recognition (supervised and unsupervised) Sound classification (supervised and unsupervised signal processing) Sound source localization Fixed field of view
Networked Infomechanical Systems (NIMS) Mobile Nodes
Tower Cameras & Moss cam Connected Fixed Nodes Pan-tilt-zoom cameras, some with near IR. Microclimate, CO 2, and soil water potential sensors. Remote and pre- programmed automatic operation for time-lapse recording Internet access to real- time (5-minute collection interval) and archived data and images.
Root growth at the James Reserve Automated Minirhizotron and and Rhizosphere Sensor System (AMARSS) Connected Fixed Nodes
Correlating microclimate variability with reproductive success in cavity- nesting birds Nest boxes with cameras and microclimate Connected Fixed Nodes
Wireless Networked Acoustic Node Connected Fixed Node Click twice to launch Quicktime VR
Wireless Networked Acoustic Node Connected Fixed Node Automated Image Capture and panorama stitcher
Wireless Networked Video and Acoustic Node Connected Fixed Node Real-time Viewer and Camera Control Streaming Audio Server from all-weather Stereo microphone Real-time Viewer and Camera Control Streaming Audio Server from all-weather Stereo microphone
iDCT: Interactive Data Classification Tool adding value to data Classification questions determined by the scientists Participants sign in and receive random audio/video/image files. They answer guiding questions that are designed to attach searchable data to the file. The more times a file gets reviewed, the more reliable the data associated with it. Image, audio, and video files present difficulties for computer classification.
recognize patterns recognize anomalies recognize identification methods understand content recognize variables recognize correlations do science iDCT: Interactive Data Classification Tool Educational Possibilities Students using curricular tools designed around these data sets are able to: