Monitoring Patients 3.3 Health
IT Features A Process is monitored by Sensors Sensors are usually connected to an Interface that is connected to a computer Often signals from Analogue sensors are converted to Digital signals (ADC) so that they can be understood by the computer The computer usually takes readings at regular logging intervals A logging period is usually set Readings are recorded and usually Saved onto Backing Storage Data collected is Analysed – e.g. A graph may be plotted to show the results
Advantages Fully Automated – humans not needed for measurement (24/7 possible) Greater accuracy of measurement Time Intervals and Period of logging may be varied Maybe performed remotely and results sent to a computer Results are in Real Time so may be acted upon immediately Data maybe constantly analysed and charts created
Disadvantages Dependant on a form of electricity and electrical hardware Some training needed Certain things for patients can only be monitored by humans, such as skin color or swelling in a patient's body Initial costs may be expensive
Monitoring Patients 3.3 Health