Dealing With Stress By Kim Silverthorn Project PEACE Mental Health Capacity Building In Schools Initiative
Empathy Rock Exercise
What is Stress? Positive Stress Negative Stress Teen Stress Tree
Balloon Exercise
Resiliency What is this?? Things that Promote… Things that Restrict….
Lap Squat Exercise When even just ONE thing is out of balance/position, then stress starts to take control
How Does Stress Effect Us? Aspects of the Wellness Wheel Physical EmotionalMental Spiritual YOU!
How To Deal With Stress!! Small Group Wellness Wheels Exercise
Things To Do at Home
Relaxation Deep Breathing Visualization Progressive Muscle Relaxation Chair Yoga Author Unknown ~ The time to relax is when you don't have time for it ~ Chinese Proverb ~ Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are ~
Let’s Try!! Visualization Exercise or Deep Breathing Relaxation Exercise
Hope Kits Exercise What ordinary things in life can remind you to look on the bright side?? Rubber band Marble Eraser Candle String with a Knot …….. (more)